Lux Family/Zaratin Anarion

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Zaratin Lux


Class: Knight
Age: 18
Honour: 22
Prestige: 5
Current position: Rogue of the West
Former positions: knight of Port Raviel, Marshal of the Order of Elegant Albatross, Marshal of the Order of Mellifluous Nightingale, S-in-C to the Order of Mellifluous Nightingale, Knight of Paisly
Realms served: Madina, Melodia
Units commanded: Sentry of the Nightingale
Religion: N/A
Guilds: N/A


Zaratin is the only son from House of Lux who stayed in Paisly after the family set their mansion in this Grand City of the West. His heart drove him ever westwards. In the beginning of his knighthood he served Madina, but when independence was proclaimed in Paisly, he joined the newly formed Kingdom of Melodia, which was at the time refered to as "flowering". Proud to serve The Crown of Melodia, Monarch Albert de Blanc, he participated in every major undertaking of the realm. Zaratin's rise within the ranks was fast, he soon became Marshal of the Order of Mellifluous Nightingale, never losing a single battle over the numerous monster hordes plaguing the area. When elite military Order of Elegant Albatross was founded, Zaratin had been chosen as a Marshal. However, the heart of the young Monarchy was tainted as the trecherous rebellion forces started growing in the Capital, and the Monarch too weak and too gullible to deal with them when the time was asking for it. A rebellious outbreak was so snide, and so well timed that it ripped through loyalist ranks, and taken the rule over the listless Monarchy. Zaratin stayed loyal and fought for the Monarch to the very end, when Albert de Blanc vanished and was lost in the midst of numerous plains of Maeotis. This tale does not say what has happened to him, but Zaratin went further.

Usurping forces have forever banned him from Melodia. He did not care much, since his allegiance to the Monarch was fulfilled, and he did not hold any personal vendetta towards the newest rulers of Melodia, accept the contempt towards the treacherous way they had grabbed the throne, but he thought that was not worth dying for. Thus he became a rogue of the West, having travelled all the way from Paisly to the City of Candiels by land, in the very South of Dwilight, seeking to settle in Madina again.


Roleplay from Zaratin Lux (14 days, 2 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (25 recipients)

As the last camp fires in Larur were dying down, and the bards's song was only a sweet memory, Zaratin's thoughts went astray.

"How little of this land we know?" he thought to himself.

Night was dark, but gazing towards the woods of Odona and even further towards the misty Thysan, there was a certain blackness about. No eye could pierce that. Already the heavy clouds were gathering, thratening rain, or even worse, snow.

Oh, yes, winter was there. A hardy opponent. It shall be a devoted follower on every endeavour we may take. Just thinking about the cold wind coming form Dragon's Roost was enough to make you shudder. Luckily, they were still in coastal regions, but he did not envy the guards tonight. Falling asleep in the warmth of his tent, strangly, his thoughts ventured even further, all the way to the spring and the song of the nighingale.

Zaratin Lux Marshal of the Order of Mellifluous Nightingale