Too Much BattleMaster

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Revision as of 09:40, 25 November 2005 by Gsklee (talk | contribs)
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You know you play too much BattleMaster when...

  • You tell yourself, you can live without Battlemaster....then come back 2 weeks later, sweating, and wondering if your allies are ok.
  • You wake up at 3 in the morning sweating, without an alarm, to neurotically scout the enemy.
  • The only reason you get away from your computer is to go outside and take the picture that Tom asked for the anniversary collage.
  • Your girlfriend has given up on trying to stop you wasting your time on such a pointless game and actually reminds you when you're about to miss a turn.
  • You have not been able to log into the game all day, but you still make no plans...and sit by the computer all night hitting the refresh button.
  • Battlemaster sets your curfew, and you just have to be home before the turn is over.
  • You go to some sort of social event, but instead of talking to people, you spend the entire time thinking about: (for the Generals amoung us) line settings, (for the Rulers amoung us) diplomatic negotiations, (for the Region Lords amoung us) which court to hold next.
  • You have a ton of work to do, but deadline or no deadline, you're going to read all your Battlemaster messages first.
  • You know what time it is in Germany at all times.
  • You plan vacations and other trips around being able to hit each turnchange.
  • Not even Tom could convince you that BM is a 'light-weight game'
  • People have heard you mumble 'thank the Tom' as you scroll through you're BM messages.
  • You can draw and label your realm and its regions... or more.
  • You understand these jokes.