Dark Citadel Times/2008/May

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Wayward Pup Fetches Much Appreciation May 05, 2008
A pup of the hounds of Garm, no doubt a straggler from the joint attack against Wetham by the Assassins and Outer Tilog, was recently reported as having been spotted in South Bakker by some of the locals. When approached by a delegation of the Assassins the pup was found defending a small village on the eastermost part of South Bakker from a small batch of bandits. The bandits, who had been fending off the pup for hours, losing a steady stream of men in the process, were said to have begged to be allowed to to leave and never return. Rumors state that General Evil Revan himself has made indications of keeping the pup.
Comment on this story. by Dakrus Somra
Road To Lukon May 04, 2008
Recently it was announced that a small delegation of our nobles were planning to make their way to Lukon. This morning those nobles, which include Lu che Barrow, Gaby Icemea, Zakran Somra, and Ren Struthionis, set off on their journey. Their path makes it's way through Corali forest, which has been heavily guarded by Wetham in the past few weeks. As the delegation is unarmed and bearing no malice, any aggressive motions by Wetham could be considered an act of war towards Lukon, and of intended resumed hostilities towards Assassins. As strained as diplomatic relations have been in this part of the colonies, this passage is marked with noted interest and assuredly with more than a little concern. Let us wish our comrades a safe and fruitful endeavor.
Comment on this story. by Dakrus Somra
First Issue! May 03, 2008
Today marks the founding of the Dark Citadel Times. In your hands you hold the first of what hopefully will be many stimulating collections of news. The DCT was first conceived of many years ago, and while resources were laid out to begin this venture it was unfortunately abandoned. It is believed the persons who worked on this paper before met some terrible accident, perhaps to Orcs or Wethamites. After this disappearance the printing equipment and resources of the DCT were left to fallow in it's now-abandoned studio. At Lord Targ'n's insistence the project has been picked up again- this time hopefully with a more favorable end result.
Comment on this story. by Dakrus Somra