
From BattleMaster Wiki
The Rural Region of Sabadell
Region Map
Controlled by the Realm of Everguard
Duchy Gelene
Local Lord Count Arthur Spindle
Knights None
Troop Centers None
Region Information
Type of Region Rural Region
Location Midland (west)
Weather North Shore
Population (Last Census) 414 Peasants
Gold Production 230 Gold
Food Production 280 Bushels

The region of Sabadell (pronounced: sah-bah-DELL) is a lush green haven for the farmers and merchants who live just outside of the great city of Gelene and its suburban outskirts. It is for the most part a very peaceful land, and that attitude has meant that over the years very little war or strike has touched the region. Sabadell itself is a large division of land, but the populace is sparsely spread.

It offers only average output of food and gold, but what it does contribute to the realm is of the highest quality. What the region lacks in production, it gains in character and beauty - the Mountain of Woe can been seen in the distance by the peasants farming, and is a perfect backdrop to the bluebell meadows and rolling green seas of grass.


The beautiful farmland of Sabadell

Sabadell is an inland region that has historically enjoyed warm and fresh weather. The sun maintains hot weather in Sabadell for nearly seven whold months each year. Summers are prosperous - warm and rainy conditions allow the local farmers to enjoy great crops and have no difficulty with famine.

While the summers are extremely pleasant, as the seasons progress and autumn and winter arrive, the region does get bitter cold at times. For the most part, however, Sabadell is a temperate region that experiences very few extremes which would be considered harsh weather - thus its people tend to be happy and healthy, often more than their neighbors. Sabadell often attracts people from the surrounding regions who are looking for respite away from the scolding hot summers experienced in Gelene, or the violently cold and difficult seasons seen in the mountain ranges.

The main good produced in this region is wheat, as the rainfall through winter creates a perfect ground for the plant to take hold and grow fruitfully.

Native Plants and Animals

The region of Sabadell is home to a great number of plants, birds, beasts and animals of all colors shapes and sizes. While the region does not command as much plantlife as many of its neighbors, it is home to one of the more beautiful landscapes in Everguard. The bluebell meadow is a famous feature of the land, causing many a traveler to lose their breath as they look upon the rolling blue sea. Outsiders have been known to mistake these fields for gentle oceans, until (much to their embarassment) they approach and find that the blue is but plantlife swaying in the gentle breezes of the countryside.

The most prominent creature found in the countryside are small field mice, as well as the falcons that prey on them. When walking across the great fields of Sabadell, it is easy to see these two icons of the land - mice gathering food, and falcons soaring overhead looking for a nice lunch. There are a great deal of other creatures that call Sabadell home, but most are small animals that scavenge for food - there are no large predatory creatures roaming the hills.

Trade through Sabadell

The main trade that comes from Sabadell is that of wheat and agricultural products, the farmers make up most of the populace and thus organise the trade between themselves. It is in a lot of demand at the moment, as the nation grows, more and more food is needed.

Military Culture

Sabadell is yet to gain any military structure at all, it is a peace loving region built up by farmers and traders. As of yet, the only requirement for military is the militia that is hired to guard from monster and undead attacks, though these only ever seem to come rarely these days.


The people of Sabadell are a fiercely independent group, who have had a difficult time adjusting to rule by the kingdom of Everguard. A number of times in its early history, the region decided that it wished to rule itself, and thus expelled the rule of the local Guardian Lord, in favor of local peasant rule.

Each time they have done this, Everguard has stepped in to maintain control, and the people have begun to get used to the rule of the Emerald Crown as of late. The independent spirit remains, but it appears the days of open hostility toward Everguard is over.

When under the command of the kingdom, Sabadell is strongly aligned to the city of Gelene. It offers food, gold and shelter for those who work in the great city itself, but prefer to live outside of the hustle and bustle of city life of the metropolis, or its neighboring suburban town of Gelene Outskirts.

Lords who have ruled Sabadell

  • Count Arthur Spindle of Everguard - Ruled April 22, 2008
  • Anarchy - Peasant revolt and control - April 23, 2008
  • Count Arthur Spindle of Everguard - Ruled April 24, 2008 - April 27, 2008
  • Anarchy - Peasant revolt and control - April 27, 2008 - Current

The Lost Kingdom of Everguard
Historical Realm Information

Everguard | Royal Line | Founders of Everguard | Peoples of Everguard | Wars of Everguard | Torenism | The Everguard Visionary