The Faithful

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Serkan Colorad's The Faithful

Author's Introduction

Dear reader,

I thank you for picking up this book of theories which I have composed regarding the worship of the Bloodstars. Please do realize, however, that this is mere rambling, and that I am by no means a fountain of theological dogma, but merely a faithful that wants to help in deciding the course of our religion by providing a few theories, nothing more, nothing less.

Before I begin, I would like to dedicate this short book to the First Great Prophet, Lord Mathurin of the Hossenfeffer family, for without him, our great religion would not have existed for a long while. Through his hard work and dedication, Sanguis Astroism has become a major force in Dwilight, this enormous continent that shows great promise for amazing wonders to be achieved by humanity.

Chapter I - The Bloodstars

As the reader knows, there are three stars that we consider the Bloodstars: The Maddening Star, the Austere Star, and the Auspicious Star. According to the previous book that the Great Prophet has written( OOC: ), the Maddening pertains to the physical side of Man, the raw being that allows Man to survive Nature and other obstacles. The Auspicious pertains to the mental side of us, the side that allows us to calculate when to strike, how to govern, and even how to make life easier. the Auspere is the balance between the two, during the periods when thinking and acting are done, and when it is time to search our souls to ponder if we are in alignment with the Stars.

But this has been all discussed by the High Prophet in his teachings. The Prophet has also said that we must not align ourselves with only one, but with all of them at the same time. I feel that I must build upon this intriguing subject.

There is a reason as to why we call the permanent constellation not just the Stars, but the Bloodstars. You see, many people like to dissect the Stars and use only certain Stars to prove their points. What these believers fail to realize is that the Stars, separated, merely become regular stars and forget why they are called the Stars of Blood. Blood seems to be of the essence in addressing the Stars, for, just as blood provides the life-essence of Man, it provides the Stars with a certain quality that rises beyond any other celestial sphere.

Blood, the very life water that is of the up most importance to our very survival, has proved to not only be the basis of the life, but also the essence that binds a human being to each other. Other than the biological use of the liquid, it allows Man to overcome chaos and the evils of this world. It creates a hierarchical society, separating the noble from the commoner, the innocent from the criminal, and ultimately, the good from evil. Imagine a world where blood meant nothing to mankind. Surely you can see that in fact there would be no world as we know it. Man would be even with the other creatures of Nature, and chaos would engulf the whole universe. Man would have no sense of honor, justice, or even government, and would be no better off than the barbarians that the Roman Empire bought under its fist of governance. Finally, no sense of family would ever have been dreamed of by these crude beings, making them no better than the hyena or orangutan.

Therefore, just like Man is governed by blood, so are the Bloodstars bound to each other by a celestial "blood". No Star is better than the other, and cutting out one of the Stars destroys not just the one cut out, but all of Them. Finally, we are also bound by a spiritual blood to the blood of the Stars. This makes each and every one of us unique to the Bloodstars, and this is why believers have a right to choose a Star to create their own code of standards by. Mind you, these standards must be appropriate to the Faith, and this is also where we find ourselves in neutral territory.

Chapter II- A Code of Standards.

What makes Sanguis Astroism a successful religion is the fact that it is not a strict hierarchical standard of living; it merely provides the framework of creating a successful code of standards unique to each living being. This code must of course absolutely follow the few standards that Sanguis Astroism provides. The standards that the Holy Church provides to us are merely the simple theological dogmas that every believer has freely accepted.

1. There are three Stars of Blood: The Maddening,the Auspere, and the Auspicious.

2. Obeyment of the laws of a realm are a must. Religion is no excuse to perform heinous acts.

3. The Holy Church strives to spread civilization to all.

4. The Holy Prophet must be followed at all times.

These basic tenements should help a noble decide his moral code of standards. Again, however, we step into the realm of stipulation. What is the point of a code of standards some might ask. The answer, of course, is merely that a noble does not need a code. He can simply live by the tenements of the Church. The only reason I bought up a code is to make the religion more personal to an individual. The beauty of our Religion is that there is no one shoving their beliefs down your throat, making our Religion not only an abstract miracle, but a truly living and universal deity.