The Sword of Bravery, Belegrist: Syban

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Syban Accepts Belegrist

The dawn is rising over the land – the first streamers of light are appearing, illuminating a landscape of rock, dirt and marsh – badlands. Gadlock is no place to vacation. Syban, kneeling before King Fuinur inside his tent, is incredulous of the gift he has just been offered.

"My King, I have fought long for this realm. I have sacrificed nearly all there is to give – the only thing remaining is my life, and I would gladly give it up if it could help this great realm. But never in my many years here, have I expected any kind of gift...."

Syban trails off as he stares at the sword. It has an eerie quality about it – light that should be glinting off its polished features seems to be ... swallowed up inside – as if the sword could draw strength from the light around it. This sword must surely be the work of the greatest smith in all the land.

Years ago, while Syban was deep in his career as an infiltrator, rumors began circulating among fellow infiltrators of the island, of a smith with extraordinary talents who lived somewhere in the north. According to the rumors, many had sought him, but no one had ever been able to enlist his services. So secretive was he that no one even knew where his workshop was, or what realm he served. Some said he was not a man, but a demigod – half god, half man with some of the powers of the great god Tom. Others said he had acquired materials from far distant lands, which he used to create his own armories. Syban ignored both – a professional infiltrator had no use for idle gossip.

But now, with his King standing before him, Syban realized that perhaps they weren't just idle rumors after all.

"The smith, he does exist. But how? Where?"

But these were not questions to be asked. The smith would remain anonymous; his work, however, would certainly not.

Slowly, Syban wields the Sword of Bravery, Belegrist. Carefully, but with an expert's skill, he marvels at the craftsmenship, the intricate inlays and balance. Standing up, he lifts the sword in front of his face, pointing it straight up towards the heavens. The sword ... begins to GLOW!

"My King, I shall honor this realm and this sword to the best of my abilities, to the end of my days. This land requires the bravest of soldiers at her side, to defend the honor and peace we stand for. This sword shall never leave my hands."

Syban bows; already he can feel the strength of the sword lightly caressing his arm.

"This sword ... is a force to be reckoned with," Syban says under his breath. Steel in his voice.

With that, King Fuinur vanishes into the darkness, and Syban begins to meditate on his new weapon.

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