Swift Mace

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Revision as of 05:35, 19 March 2008 by Dagonius (talk | contribs) (How the Swift Mace was discovered.)
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This is the story about the discovery of the Swift Mace.

Hjorr Dagonius, a lowly adventurer, was traveling looking for someone to fight. He had been in a fighting mood ever since he was deported to the Far East. Lately he had been in several duels and won them all. While searching for somebody new to duel Hjorr ended up in Topenah. Enemy lands for him, but he didnt care. Let the nobles squabble about land and power, and he would look for the next fight. While waiting for his next victim Hjorr got bored and decided since there was nobody to fight he would look for undead to kill in the mean time. The first group he found was nothing. He killed them quickly. The next group, found in a deep underground cavern beneath the city, was more difficult, but he took care of them with minimal problems, well all but one. The undead champion. This particular undead creature had been waiting for Hjorr to be done with the rest. It was much faster than any undead Hjorr had ever seen. It started advancing toward him. Then he saw why it moved so fast, a silverish mace was in its left hand was putting off a slight glow. "That must be it." Thought Hjorr. He stepped to right and swung his slightly rusted short sword at the undead champion, but to his surprise it dodged the blade with ease and made an attack of its own. Hjorr barely had time to react. He deflected the blow and swung again. His blade struck the undead champion in the back knocking it forward on the to the ground. But as it fell it swung the mace at Hjorr, hitting him in his lower left leg knocking him down to his knees. Hjorr saw his opportunity and seized it. He swung his rusty short sword and the blow struck true. Beheading the undead champion. It lay there still holding on to the mace. Hjorr checked his leg, it was sore and already bruising but otherwise fine. He stood up and walked over to the mace removing it from the undead's grasp. It was glowing brighter now and slightly warm. He sheathed his sword and swung the mace. It was light. Not used to a mace but rather a sword it threw him of balance and he nearly fell. "This will take sometime to get used to." Said Hjorr aloud to the redead undead. He laughed as he walked out of the cave to look for a sage to get the mace cleaned and repaired into perfect condition.