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Your Majesty, Senators,

I am tired of the Crown's contradictions and I can not stand them anymore.

- One moment Ethiala rejects a ceasefire with Lasanar, then only a couple of days later Ethiala is willing to consider a ceasefire with Lasanar and after Cathay's last letter I am most definately sure that the Crown is unsure as to how Ethiala should proceed regarding Lasanar.

- The same applies for the Crown's stance on the case of Ohnar; one moment Ethiala rushes to sign a Peace Treaty with our neighbours, only a couple of days later the Crown is willing to lower relations and then the Crown is looking to the possibility to go to War.

- The same applies for the Crown's stance on the case of Topenah and Arempos; one moment the Crown suggests that Arempos might solve the food problem of Topenah, only a few moments ago the Crown expressed Their satisfaction for sharing common views after my call for Arempos to be delivered to Topenah and now the Crown asks for an informal allegiance of Arempos to Topenah.

- The same applies for the Crown's opinion regarding the Duke of Lasop; one moment the Duke's terms are somewhat accepted and praises for his bravery are written, only a few moments later the Crown is concerned whether the Duke places political ambitions above his loyalty to Ethiala and then the Crown dispatches a private letter where stating that the Crown is sure that the Duke places loyalty above political ambitions.

Never in my life have I ever met such an unstable politician, one without standard policy and solid practices. I am extremely discontent, so much that it goes beyond my limits. As such, I can not remain as part of Ethiala anymore. It is unfortunate and not something that eases my pain, but it is something that must be done. It is not power that motivates me, although the Crown will most probably attempt to throw mud on my figure again, but there are sound reasons behind my decision. Your failure to comprehend, your failure to properly communicate, your failure to cooperate, your failure to negotiate, your failure to think, your failure to lead, all of these reasons have forced me to take further measures to protect what is mine; my reputation, my integrity, my lands and my knights.

Hence, I declare my Duchy’s independence and I announce the establishment of an autonomous government for the lands of Larmebsi, Lantzas and Lasop with the City being the Capital of the new Kingdom. It is not my wish to hurt Ethiala with my actions and that is why I am not pledging allegiance to any neighbouring banner. My intentions are peaceful towards your Kingdom, they have always been, but I currently see no reason to keep my lands under your rule anymore. From now on, Lasop will have an independent political deputy to represent our interests and work for my land’s prosperity.

Under the most peaceful intentions and with hopes for mutual prosperity, the lands of Lasop are henceforth declared autonomous and independent.

Best of luck from the sovereign lands of Kamador.

Signed, House de Blanc ~+~

Dieter De Blanc Duke of Lasop