De Blanc Family/Albert/Story/Madina/Beggar

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It had been quite some time since Albert left his estate for a walk and the task of coding the Constitution was driving him crazy. He had already spent many days and nights with his head leaned above the parchment and with his only light coming from the candle on his wooden office. With the curtains pulled together, he could hardly say if it was day or night outside. His correspondence in piles most unread but only one envelop opened, that coming from his loyal servant, and some empty inkpots nearby... he only knew that he had to replace that candle on his bureau quite some times. The work was almost finished though and Albert needed to go for a walk; he surely had missed a lot.

Leaving his estate with no guards to protect him, he headed to the Town Square. There he saw a familiar beggar...

"Get lost you miserable creature!", Albert ordered. "My good sire, your kind lordship might consider a few silver coins for this poor soul...", the beggar replied without even raising his head. "I said get lost...", Albert went on unsheathing his sword and kicking the beggar's foot. "Ahh... Your Grace show compassion to the wretch peasant... I only seek for a few silver coins... I saw Your Majesty coming down from the ship today and I thought 'hey, Johnson, this is your chance... you could work for this magnificent noble!'... Please, my lord, consider this suffering man as one of your glorious servants and spare some coins for his feeding...", the beggar insisted without yet raising his head.

Albert needed no more; with his sword penetrating the beggar's body the annoyance was now gone. He looked around and saw some others of the dead's kind.

"What are you looking for?! Now you have something to eat...", he pointed out unabashed and left the Town Square.

Considering the beggar's words, Albert mumbled "It seems that more ships have layed up in Madina's Port these days...".