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The Duskryn Family

House Duskryn dates it's history back to when Darka was still a relatively new realm. The founder of the House, Shadrar was an Assassin of high repute, featching vast sums of money for contracts. However he could see the rivalry that existed amongst the other members of his occupation, and decided to start a guild where members could work in an enviroment where competition didn't mean getting a knife in the back. The guild would exist to take contracts, divide them up to members of various skill levels and take a percentage of the fees. The members would be provided with equipment, allies and 60% of the contract and a place where they could feel safe and secure. This idea was met with some resistance at first, with skilled assassins taking the veiw that they should not have to pay a tithe to a guild, support others who were originally competion, and take orders from someone above them. But soon these others changed there minds when work began to become scarce and other freelance assassins showed up dead, two coins on the eyes with a dark moon emblazoned on them. The guild prospered, and took the name Duskryn, literally "In Dusk".

For years the guild was a potent tool, a means for people who could pay to eliminate rivals, and every realm used the guild as a tool, a sharp scapel to cut away the worrys they had. The guild chose no favorites, keeping itself out of the politics of the land and hiring it's killers out to all, even the enemys of Darka. This was to be their undoing. One night the guild received a letter about a job. The target was a high standing noble in Darka who had ties to the king, and someone wanted him dead. Shadrar considered the job, and decided that he would do it, for it would be complicated and he was the best the Guild had to offer. He snuck to the estate of the noble, scaled the 12 foot walls, avoided the well trained and armed guards, bypassed the wide assortment of traps, and finally found himself in the room of the noble himself. The cool autumn breeze blew through the ajar window, the crescent moon cast it's pale light into the room, silence reigned. Shadrar drew his kukris and slipped to the bed, quite as death. He pulled back the blankets, and there resting on the bed lay a dummy made of straw. Shadrar whirled, blades ready, to see the noble, the King himself and and 8 knights, longswords ready, bedecked in platemail. The knights attacked, and Shadrar went into a dance of death, whirling and slashing, his Kukris a blur. Four knights fell to his blades but wearyness was setting in, a sword escaped his parry and found his shoulder, leaving a deep wound. Shadrar knew he would die in that room, and he wanted to escape to inform the guild of the trap and of what transpired that night. Shadrar turned and leapt through the window, landing and rolling and disappearing into the night. When he arrived back at the the guild he was too late. Flames consumed the guild and he was greeted by the wails of his dying comrades. Shadrar knew that the guild was done, so he slipped into the night, gathered a small fortune he had stowed away for a event like this and disappeared.

Shadrar travelled for several years, taking work as a hired sword, a killer and a knight. But in his soul vengeance burned like the flames that night. He swore that he would return and start his house again, as a symbol to Darka the he would not give up. Several more years passed. On a voyage across the seas, the ship he was on was attacked by pirates. The pirates boarded the ship and a fierce skirmish broke out. Shadrar slashed and parried, every move a killing stroke. When the pirates all lay dead or captured, Shadrar looked around and took in the scene. There before him was the most beautiful women he had ever laid eyes on, a black haired beauty who had been one of the pirates who had raided the ship. Her name was Teesha, and soon they fell in love. They travelled together, a deadly pair, and then one day Shadrar decided the time had come. Him and Teesha returned to Darka and began once again to rebuild the Duskryn house. Though it would not be a guild of assassins, it would be his family, he hoped that the House would rise to it's former glory. Time would tell the tale of the Duskryns.


The coat of arms of House Duskryn are two crescent moons surrounding a dagger. They lay on a dark purple field.


Keegan Duskryn

Keegan is the oldest of five syblings. Known as Stormborn, for a fierce gail that struck Darka on the day he was born, Keegan is a mystery. Born with white hair and silver green eyes, standing six foot two, Keegan left home when he was 18 and hasn't been heard from since. Many think he is dead. Keegan fights with a double bladed staff.

Nym Duskryn

Nym is the second oldest of the five syblings. A tomboy and troublemaker ever since she was a young girl she was always the black sheep of the family. She spent much of her young life on the streets, running with gangs, stealing and generally making trouble. She has a sharp tongue, as sharp as her blades and a defiant attitude. She is fiesty, hotheaded, impulsive and passionate. She is a loner, and has built up walls around herself concerning relationships and friendships. The only exception was her young brother Jaszt, who she always looked after and taught how to fight. Besides Jaszt the rest of the family she looks at with disdain, she hates her parents, does not know Keegan, thinks Shamander is a fop and idiot, and thinks Kitsune is too depressing. Knowing the trouble his daughter was getting in, and fearing that it would bring attention to his house, Nym's father sent her away to the colonies. There she joined the Realm of the Assassins, and has, for the first time in her life, made friends. Shortly after joining the realm she became Marshal and fell in love with the general Evil Reven, and found a wolf cub she named Shadowhope. Now she looks at the realm as her family, striving to hold it together in this time of crisis. Nym is five foot four,slender, with short black hair, and deep brown eyes. She is quite beautiful, with a crooked smile and fiesty attitude. She is still a tomboy and loves roughhousing around. She wares studded leather armour, with a hooded black cloak over it. In battle she wares a helm that looks like a skull that completely covers her face. She fight's with two bracers, one on each arm, that have blades that spring forth over her hands that act as punching daggers.

Kitsune Duskryn

Kitsune is the middle child of the five syblings. A child born of an affair between her father and a traveling adventurer, Kitsune was always looked at with scorn. Growing up she was a silent, yet observant and intuitive child. She spent most of her time in the forest, playing in the trees, collecting flowers and insects and watching the animals going about their day to day activities. Thus at a young age she knew the forest and how to live there. She would take off into the woods for days on end, surviving on her wits and nothing else. She also had great respect for the common folk seeing their lives and respecting how close to the earth they were. There was an understanding between them and often Kitsune would disguise her self and go help peasants work their fields. Kitsunes father got wind of this and beat her saying that nobles did not belong among the lower class. Kitsune disagreed so she packed up her belongings and left home, renouncing all claims to her family and becoming an adventurer, like her mother before for. She travelled to the far east, and seeks rumours about her true mother. Kitsune is five foot six, with silver green eyes like her older brother. She is beautiful, but quite. She loves the outdoors and has always felt more comfortable in the woods then in a city. She wares leather armour dyed white, wares a green cloak with a hood and fights with two longknives.

Shamander Duskryn

Shamander is the second youngest of the five syblings. He is a drunkard, womanizer and fop and enjoys the good things in life. He has a devil may care attitude, a wit a mile long, and a good sense of humour. Shamander has always been the fool of the family, but if he minds he hasn't said a thing, usually too drunk to care. Although it would seem by first appearances that he doesn't seem particularly dangerous, this is also a ruse that Shamander plays up, for he is a wicked fencer. Shamander left home when he was twenty and just recently arrived in Tasalek, a swagger in his stride and a twinkle in his eye. Currently he is a Knight of Lynch, and continues his foppish ways. Shamander is five foot eleven, and slender. He is roguishly handsome, with shoulder length reddish brown hair, light brown eyes and a moustache goatee. He wears no armour, favoring expensive clothes, and half-capes. He fights with a Rapier. Just recently a rumour travelled around Tasalek that the island was sinking. Not much of a swimmer Shamander climbed onto a ship and took sail to the colanies where he has joined the realm of Giblot.

Jaszt Duskryn(deceased)

Jaszt was the youngest of the five syblings. Jaszt was carefree, sarcastic and loved the chaos of battle. For 18 years of age Jaszt had a grasp of tactics and a thrill for life. Jaszt was always closet to Nym in terms of his syblings, for it was her who taught him much of what he knew. Yet he respected all his syblings, although he didn't know Keegan at all. Jaszt decided to stay in Darka and make the Darkan military his career, much the the pride of his father. Yet shortly into his career he came to blows with his superiors, questioning policy and where money was going. Travelling around Darka destroying monsters, Jaszt was labelled a traitor for not riding out to the current war that was taking place. Jaszt defended his honour saying how could he be a traitor for ridding the realm of danger, but was told he had ignored orders. Jaszt declared himself a rogue saying he would not fight for a realm of hypocrates and fled. He was ambushed and in a fierce battle was wounded, rather then be sacrificed to the heathen volcano god of Darka, Jaszt fell on his sword. Jaszt stood five foot ten, with white hair and green eyes. He wore chain and leather armour and wore a deep purple cloak. Jaszt fought with a greatsword he named Bileburn.