Neill Family/Weland

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Weland; son of Erik; Brother to Ender

Current Age: 43 (Deceased)
Class: Hero
Weapon of Choice: Longsword nicknamed "Mimameidr"
Current Title: None
Titles Held: Master Weaponsmith of the O'Neils, Scout, General of Khthon, Count of Tepmona, Marshal of Homeland Security (Fronen)
Religion: Norse Pantheon, primarily Thor and the god of the smithy
Unique Items Held: Elemental Vest from the North

Personal Heraldry

Weland's Chosen Rune

Like his Brother and the other members of the O’Neil Clan, Weland has never really made use of the overcomplicated heraldry that many noble families favor. Though his is certainly more complicated that those used by other members of the Clan.

His banner is generally a standard square design hung from a banner mount and carried by a standard bearer. The background is blue and upon it is a Maroon anvil being struck by two hammers and sending up a lightning bolt in the middle. These are symbols of his faith and dedication to his upbringing as a smith. On the anvil itself is the rune that represents traveling that Weland adopted after leaving Atamara. After becoming Lord of Tepmona he had a stylized ‘T’ added beneath the anvil.

His personal banner is usually flown alongside the banner of Tepmona when his unit goes to battle.

Childhood and Teenage Years

Weland was the youngest of the sons of Erik and Finna O'Neil and Ender's younger brother. As a very young boy he was quieter than his brother Ender and was content to follow his boisterous brother around. He also enjoyed listening to tales of battle with raiders from his father and the long odes from his grandfather. It is here that he learned a love for tactics (while his brother enjoyed the heroics far more).

As a boy it would often fall to Weland to take the blame for Ender’s wrongdoings which led him, as he became older, to find other places to spend his time. This is when he first started spending time with his cousin Garm whose father, Gunnar, was the village blacksmith.

When Weland’s father died he began to look to his Uncle Gunnar as a father figure and when he reached his teenage years he became an apprentice to Gunnar. He excelled at weapon making and spent many of his days in the forge. The first long sword he forged himself he eventually presented to Ender as a farewell gift when he left the village. When not spending time in the forge he trained in melee combat alongside his cousin, Garm, and soon became proficient in all forms of melee combat known to the Clan. He decided to specialize in this when he found that he was not skilled in the use of a bow. As he reached adulthood he found that he was eager to follow his brother into the world and he left home at the age of twenty one.

Adult Life

He served with the Barony of Makar for two weeks before saying farewell to his homeland. He boarded a ship (despite being warned against it by his mother who was still worried after his Uncle Kvasir has not returned from a fishing expedition) and found himself in Buelaterra. He joined the realm of Fronen and trimmed his beard. He soon discarded his traditional bearskins (save for a bearskin cape he still drapes over his armor) in favor of plate and chain mail armor. Despite his new appearance and his changes since he left Makar he still kept in touch with his family and his brother over the years. He drank heavily and enjoyed a good bar tale or game of strength even if he was more 'civilized' now.

Wielding another of his self-crafted long swords he did not find peace for long before a scourge of the undead and monsters overran the lands. He fought against them for a great time and even found himself imprisoned by the beasts for a period. Thankfully he was able to escape finding an old passage hidden behind the wall in his crude cell. His skill in tracking (A skill he developed to aid in hunting because of his poor bow skills) also made him an excellent scout and he made every effort to train with the Fronen Scout Guild whenever he could. During the decline of the undead and monster invasion he even served as a Scout in the region of Tepmona.

For a brief time after the invasion, Weland left the realm of Fronen to join the realm of Khthon, a colony of Fronen founded by Predbjørn II. It was a realm that valued heroes and only allowed heroes to hold office. It was a difficult place to live at the time, but, he figured it was worth the struggle. The realm fell to invading forces too soon after it was born. Weland fled the lands in exile and rejoined Fronen awaiting the rebirth of Khthon.

Shortly after his return he was appointed the Count of Tepmona and oversaw the repopulation, reconstruction, and defense of the region. He spent most of his days tending to paperwork and the problems of the people in Tepmona and most nights drinking himself into oblivion with the citizens of Tepmona in the tavern he built with them.

As war came again to Fronen, however, he recruited as many of the citizens of Tepmona that he could pay and left Tepmona for war on Fronen's borders against the realm of Avalon. With the end of the Avalon conflict he grew once again used to periods of peace mixed with orders to move out in defense of Fronen's allies.

While an eager youth with dreams of ruling he found as life went on he was content with his Lordship over Tepmona. He found that the hardy people of the region reminded him of his home a great deal. He even confided in the citizens one night at the local tavern that "Should I die many years from now and only be remembered as the Count of Tepmona, I would be happy. I can not ask for a better land or a better people."

While generally a joyous, down to earth noble that can mingle with the people of his region, his long stay far from his homeland had brought to him some civility and culture. He wrote to his brother once that “it is likely you wouldn't be able to recognize me without taking a closer look now that so many years have passed!” His Viking pride and stubbornness remains, however, as travels to distant lands can not even hope to remove that from a true Viking's blood.

After sometime as the Lord of Tepmona he eventually established a first line of defense in the region. He declared the army to be called the ‘Tepmona First and Only’ as he was the only noble to fly the banner of Tepmona and the recruit exclusively from the region.

When the traitor tyrant Grimbaldus lead a rebellion against Fronen in a bid to gain power for him and his lackeys, Weland heard the news first in Llorginal where he was maintaining a vigilant watch for monsters. When Grimbaldus succeeded thanks to the treachery of Enzeru, Weland joined the counter-rebellion and fought for Fronen's liberation. After some skirmishes with 'loyal' militia the battle eventually ended in the rebellion's favor. To most, however, it seemed they failed because an actual member of the Counter Rebellion was not elected to the position of Prime Minister (though a Rebel friendly Prime Minister was elected.)

For his dedication to his post and his loyalty to the Republic he was eventually awarded the position of Marshal of Homeland Security for Fronen. It was a position he accepted with great pride and joy. Some time into his career as Marshal, however, affairs of the state in Tepmona would take up more and more of his time until he was forced to step down and hand command over to another capable commander.

As time passed he spent little time in actual war and more time cleaning the scourge of small monster and undead bands that would occasionally appear. Soon they began to multiply however and the next Invasion had become. Weland fought only once again the undead and monsters for he soon found his realm in an unlikely alliance with them as an infernal Daemonic force invaded the continent. Weland steeled himself for battle and stood vigilant as he always had against a supernatural foe.

With the war against the Netherworld dragging on many of those who were close to Weland noticed that he began to withdraw himself from everyday activities. He spent much of his time staring off into the distance brooding or spending hours in his study. Some even began to grow worried and commented that he could often be overheard mumbling that he tired of the "fool nobles" he served alongside and wished he could meet a fair end on a true battlefield. Some contributed this behavior to his viking nature (though he treated his desire for death in battle a much darker way than his brother) though some still worried that a taint had reached him a during battle with the forces of darkness.

His old energy returned, however, when Tepmona was taken from him by the Daimons and all of Fronen was driven back to Fronepu, the capital, by the evil horde. Weland took to the field several times, swearing to his fellows nobles that he would rather die then leave Fronen burning behind him as he ran like other nobles had chosen to do. It was then, on one fateful morning, that Weland finally met his end.

The Death of Weland O'Neil

(The following is an excerpt from the biography of Lord Weland, compiled by an unknown scribe for unknown purposes. It refers to him several times as 'The Lord of the Wolf, a moniker apparently chosen by the biographer to romanticize the wolf furs Lord Weland was wearing on the day of the battle. The historical accuracy of the text has been called into question by many scholars who studied the Third Daimonic Invasion)

The Lord of the Wolf, Weland of Fronen, stood strong that morning. As the golden rays of the sun spilled over the burned fields outside of the gates of Fronepu, he stared at the horizon, perhaps sensing the infernal forces beyond it. As the men of his brave unit took morning meal and prayer Weland refused their offers of food and spiritual strength. He would feast on the tender meats of war and pray only through hands clasped onto the hilt of his mighty blade.

When the great war horns of Fronepu called later that morning Lord Weland stood ready at the gates of Fronepu, his unit of men at the ready behind him. When the gates finally parted Lord Weland and his men were the first to march to the line. As his fellow nobles joined in him battle The Lord of the Wolves barely had time for the common greetings and civilities of his rank. Instead he simply stared at the coming horde of Daimons, his arms crossed in defiance. And as the nobles around him shouted varying orders to his men, he spoke only one:

"Men of Fronen, fight and die."

Though many of the men in his unit quivered openly with fear, Lord Weland's booming voice gave them the strength to forget their fears. His great presence, for he stood nearly three heads taller than the average man and was well known to have the strength of ten, was enough to steel them against their unholy foe.

As the Daimon army drew closer to the stalwart lines of Man, Lord Weland withdrew his mighty blade, forged in the fires of Atamara and infused with the magicks of their people, and held it above him. The sun's rays glinted off of the polished metal and sent a beam of divine light into the armies of the enemy. Using this beacon Lord Weland was the first to run towards the coming horde, his soldiers the first to follow, and it was under his banner that the rest of the armies of Fronen made their way against the enemy.

The Lord of the Wolf, true to his name, was the quickest to reach the enemy. With each swipe of his mighty blade he sent the bodies of many beasts flying through the air. With each determined step he cut a line into the enemy ranks, leaving a river of red gore behind him. Yet, for all his strength, he had fought too far into the Daimon horde. He soon found himself surrounded by the beasts and cut off from the support of his fellow Men.

Knowing that this moment would define him, Lord Weland let out a mighty war cry and fought on bravely until he stood atop a mound of broken Daimons, their blood raining from the skies where it had been thrown off his blade. It was then, from the shadows, the lord of the evil Daimons approached Weland. The foul monster stood a head taller than Weland and wore shadows for its armor. The cursed axe it bore let out viscous screams as the monster swung it through the air. At this display The Lord of the Wolves simply laughed and then snarled as he hurled himself into the fight.

The grappled with one another for what seemed to be hours. Lord Weland struck many blows against the foul monster, but each was traded for an equal blow from his enemy. Soon, Lord Weland came to realize that he would have to take the beast with him in order kill it. Running at the mighty beast, his war cry sounding like the roar of an angry wolf, Lord Weland hurled himself through the air with a single leap and drove his blade into the neck of the monster. As he fell away, however, he saw a thick and twisted dagger embedded in his chest. Falling to his knees, he stared at the monster with pure hatred as he vanished from the battlefield cackling in delight.

Around him, the battle still waged, but he had done his part. The men of his unit, still fighting came upon his body soon after and found him barely living on his knees. In his hand he was clutching the dagger of the enemy and it was apparent he had used it to kill dozens more of the Daimon before he finally lost almost all of his life. Deeply concerned that they would lose their leader, his unit broke from battle and collected the body of The Lord of the Wolves onto their shields to bear back to the city.

Just before the reached the gates Lord Weland reached out to his scribe and pulled him close to his lips. With his final breath he spoke only a single, strong word:



Official records indicate that Lord Weland O'Neil's body was retrieved from the battlefield by his unit sometime after he was killed in combat. The place of his permanent burial was on a cliff overlooking the sea a small distance from Fronepu. He was buried in full armor, with his sword upon his chest. Records tell that for sometime the refugees from Tepmona maintained vigil over their former Lord's grave and that many nobles, both known and unknown to Lord Weland in life, visited his grave to pay their respects.

Celebrations lasted for days and included feasting and drinking. It is said that during those few days countless volumes of poetry were written and dozens of songs were sung that featured him as the hero. And though no one women was known to have been in Lord Weland's life (He left behind no children) many maidens were said to have spent days crying after his death was announced.

In another biography of Lord Weland, written by a scribe that had been in his estate's employ, his faithful squire was recorded to have said one the first day of his death ceremony:

"If we are warriors enough, my lord, we will all see you again at the table in Valhalla. No doubt you'll be drinking and feasting with Odin himself, sharing stories of battle and laughing. And if we are men enough in life, my lord, we will fight with you again one last time when the end times come. Only, if only my lord, we live to be as brave as you."

Give me a quill and give me a sword. If negotiations fail I'll chop their head off, then we'll see which is considered mightier. - Weland