Historical Events and People/The Second Age of the SEI

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This is of historical significance in BattleMaster
The Second Age of the SEI
Where South East-Island
When June 2006- January 2008
Significant People Involved Moonglum, Moonglum II
Topics History of a Defunct Island

Summery of History

On June 1, 2006 the Gods declared the war of the South East Island over with Sandalak the victor. A new generation and once again fighting resumed with a fourth realm entering the battle.

Remebering the old days and Sandalak's victory, Ikalak and Tasalak joined forces to destroy this foe. After taking some time to get set up the new realm of Toren also joined in against Sandalak, after Sandalak attacked the Cave of Guilt. The three realms of Ikalak, Toren, and Tasalak made a pact to divide the regions of the islands amoungst themselves leaving Sandalak City rogue. Many battles were fought at the walls of Sandalak city, but it eventually fell. Tasalak was left to do much of the destruction as Ikalak and Toren had other plans.

Moonglum ruler of Ikalak, and Phear ruler of Toren made a pact that they would split the islands regions. (Ikalak (SEI)/treaty)

Personal Accounts

From kakashi: "After the Defeat of Sandalak we turned on our formidable foe,Taselak. We started picking off there regions one by one and changed the capital to Sandalak. We marched up to Taselak City and then took Belus(as to gain a strong point I suppose). I was a knight of Sandalak then gaining a generous profit of gold each week. But anyway, we tried to take Taselak City(I participated in many battles in the attack of Taselak City. We had a little help from Toren to the northern regions but they were bogged down. We finally got it down to palisade the they "admitted defeat to us,"why we didn't lay siege I will never know. Then the defeated Taselak let us attack Lesthem. About two weeks later,we changed the capital back to Ikalak to help destroy Toren. We had broken the treaty and as my information goes about two weeks afterwards with our main army in Kail,Moonglum II took all of the duchy of Sandalak. leaving us with about 9 or 10 regions including: Korlok,Ikalak city, aboal,abykal,Unagae,Mewun,Triewa,and Dwamon. Taselak had problems with the regions because the stats of the regions were down already after the change. Moonglum II became a traitor to the eyes of men,Taselak did not particularly like him and Ikalak hated him. We withdrew our troop and for a few days I do not know what happened(I was actually away when moonglum changed and when i got back about 3 days later I was a tassie! luckily I was stationed in Ikalak). The government called for all betrayed comrades to come to Ikalak City and become a knight there. When I got back i was wounded because apparently there was a large-scale battle in Ikalak. Right after I was healthy I joined Ikalak again. Soon after we lost Mewun,Dwamon,Triewa and Abykal. That is my account."

From Danzi, Kylie P: "When I arrived in Ikalak, 2 weeks after the reset, we already had an agreement with Taselak and Toren to destroy Sandalak and had divided the island regions among the three of us (there were a lot of rogue regions at the start). No one had the rights to Sandalak in this treaty, it was to be left burnt and destroyed.

Moonglum was elected Prime Minister shortly after I arrived and Cartor was made General with Kaysa his second in command. I remember sieging Sandalak city many times... the Sandies were true warriors and fought bravely and with zealour. It was Taselak and Ikalak that did the most fighting to bring down the city. We left Taselak to do most of the destruction because we had plans to TO the city and we did not want to hurt their sympathy to us.

The ruler of Toren was Phear and the ruler of Taselak was Penny at this stage, Mischa was the General - I remember her messages to the region of Sandalak when we were there together.

At the final stages of the treaty, Moonglum arranged a treaty with Toren that divided the island between the two of us. In this treaty, we got Sandalak city in exchange for helping them get Taselak city. So we sieged the destroyed city while Toren and Taselak battled one another around Falens and Astin. We took the city and all the regions from Taselak that were in our new treaty. This marked the start of the longest stalemate. Ikalak and Toren found it hard to coordinate against Taselak and Ikalak could not TO any more regions to progress the war. Toren were not strong enough to TO. This was a long 6-8 months of striking and refitting, striking and refitting. This is when Danzi became an infiltrator."

"Once the stalemate happened, things became strained between Ikalak and Toren. We had a new prime minister elected, Gilgamesh, who hadn't read the treaty properly and started a TO of Moeth, one of Toren's regions. Toren wrote nastily about the TO which we abandoned. We tried to coordinate many attacks with them to help them TO regions, but they reliably never showed. Phear was killed in battle and the new Pontifex was rude. Toren had two rebellions with factions wanting to break the treaty with Ikalak and we began to grow wary of them. In the end things came to a head and Toren finally agreed that we could start TOing regions, as long as we let them TO them all back once Taselak was dead. And the war finally started moving forward again until we occupied Taselak city and launched a few unsuccessful TO attempts. LD was our General when we achieved this, Maximus was our Prime Minister. Taselak was all but destroyed, 3 regions and their capital occupied and under TO."

On the first Succession of Sandalak city: "What happened was... after we finished with the first treaty and the second treaty was signed, Moonglum stepped down from the Prime Minister role and Zack the Great took the position. When we TO'd Sandalak, Moonglum was made Duke.

Taselak fought hard when Toren first turned on them and they realised they were the new target. They managed to push back Toren and ran a force to Sandalak city to try to siege it while it was still weak (it had been taken down to level 2 walls). They attacked the city and Moonglum was killed in the battle (very odd, a battle report never came).

A knight, known as Hvrek, originally from Sandalak, the realm that had been recently destroyed, bought the city and seceded it back into the realm of Sandalak taking a few regions with it. Two of our military council joined him, but we quickly retook the city and regions and the traitors fled."

From hannah, r savino: "n the beginning Ikalak and Taselak were gunning for Sandalak because they won the last time. Toren was trying to figure out where it would stand but then decided to stand with Ikalak and Taselak after Sandalak attacked Cave of Guilt as soon as the island "started." Then everyone came down and beat on Sandalak with Ikalak gaining it.

That is my view because I was part of Toren at the time with a different character. But was soon deported and last contact until I joined Ikalak a couple months ago."