De Blanc Family/Dieter/Story/Ethiala/Arrival

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The messenger rushes through the plains of Larmebsi and Arempos to reach Topenah before the dawn. Clothed in red silk and black linen, he tries to reach the Royal Palace clean and unspotted from any danger of the dense night. The coming of his master could mean trouble for both of them, if the King had not been informed for his arrival first.

Moving around like nothing more than a regular thief, always looking for shadows and alleyways to hide his flexible body, finally the messenger is one step from the city's guarded entrance. With tricks and technics learnt many years ago and by using a rope, he succeeds in confronting the half-sleeping guards on duty and trespass into Topenah, quietly for now.

He could see the Palace ahead and the skyline behind him getting somewhat lightened. He should hurry to fulfil the master's will or in a couple of hours the sun would hide him no more.
At the Palace's eastern gate, when the first rays of the sun appeared behind the messenger, he approached the guards.

"I need a hearing from his Majesty the King; Sir Dieter de Blanc is funding my purpose."


Dieter was in Arempos when he received the letter.

"It has a royal stamp. Read it for me..."

He adressed it to his scribe. While the scribe was opening the sealed envelop, Dieter kept watching at the palisade of Arempos.

"The Count must be either a lazy, pot-bellied pig or someone of high authority. These walls are in a very bad condition... I dare say they are pathetic!"

He spat the last word out as his scribe started reading.

"Is it so... They have learnt of my coming, but no word from my messenger as of yet. I wonder what has happened to him..."

Dieter's glance suddenly fell upon the orders posted from the High Marshal everywhere in the county.

"We'll be going to Pesol, soldiers. It is a good chance to meet in person someone of importance. Sharpen your swords, tell your prayers and prepare for battle. The sun might not rise for everyone tomorrow."

Dieter mounted his horse and entered the village looking for supplies. Not much he needed, just water, some dry food and maybe something strong to keep him awake during the night travel, something like ale we could say.

In Pesol

A great chance wasted for nothing but a few hours of sleep. He turned to his men.

"Alright, we're leaving for Topenah. Move! You have three sandglasses till you pack your stuff. Bring my stallion!"

The soldiers stood up and got moving losing no time for packing. One of them brought the stallion and in a while everyone was moving out. On the road to Arempos, a familiar figured was approaching. It was the messenger.

"Master, I was not granted an hearing from the King, but I did manage to deliver your message."
"What happened exactly?"
"The guards of the Palace did not grant me an entrance and they refused to inform the King of my coming, but I gave them your letter and they assured me that it would be delivered to his Majesty after my depart..."
"Alright, enough. I see..."

Dieter rose his hand and everyone halted. He lowered his hand and started thinking.

"I don't get it... I have received a message from the High Marshal himself and I am receiving sacks of letters over an argument, like I belong to some kind of a noble community already... I wonder if anyone has read my letter and why haven't they replied as of yet."

He turned to the messenger again.

"Go back in the Palace and see if there are any news for me. Do not leave until you are assured that the guards delivered the letter you passed them."

Dieter raised his hand and pointed ahead. Everyone started walking again moving towards Arempos. There was much of a distance till Topenah and they had to be moving without any more of delays.

On the Road to Topenah

In Topenah, Dieter met with the messenger at the eastern gate of the Royal Palace.

"I hope that everything is settled."
"Master, I did what I could... They refuse to cooperate with me and deliver the letter."
"What?! Why?"
"They say they have never heard of a noble family named De Blanc... They also say that they have informed the High Marshal of the incident, but they did not pass him the letter."
"Step aside."

Dieter pushed the messenger aside and stepped in to deal with the guards.

"I am Dieter de Blanc and I demand that you cooperate with my subordinates for as long as I am a servant of Ethiala. If I am forced to come all the way to the Palace to deal with you ever again, I swear to my father's grave that my presence will be very unpleasant to you."

The knight turned around and waved to his messenger.

"Ask that you enter the Palace and go find someone trustworthy to deliver the letter."

The messenger waved affirmatively and moved towards the gate where entrance was granted to him.

At the Palace