De Blanc Family/Dieter/Story/Ethiala/Wrangle in Lasop

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Swords were heard in every place and flamed arrows were giving light to the dark sky before reaching the Stronghold's walls. Dieter was already inside making way for the rests of the allied forces.

"Stand strong men! Hold your formation!"

The knight was leading his soldiers quite successfully for the most of the battle when something caught his eyes. He stood still focusing on what it seemed like true danger for him, something greater than just some Arcaean soldiers fighting for their lives.

"I have seen this ring before.", he whispered.

It was there, the Ring of the Undead, at Primus's hand and Dieter could see it clearly enough to recognize it; but then one of his men disrtacted him.

"Sire... Sire... Paul is dead, Paul is dead!"

The knight turned his head at his company again focusing on the battle again.

"What is that?! What is that, soldiers?! Hold your formation! Hold your formation!"

Another man fell before Dieter could reach his advanced unit, but the worst was what he had seen at that very damned moment.

The battle had ended and Dieter was leading two men less due to his inattention. Although the loss was not great, he was quite unhappy and he had to do something for it. Almost everyone had already left for the city, but Dieter was still there. The knight thought to himself and after a while he headed to the inner city looking for some answers.

He wandered for quite some time when he finally found whom he was looking for. Unsheathing his sword and throwing it to the ground, he approached Lord Primus menacingly.

"Where did you find it?! Why do you wear it?! Who are you?!", Dieter grabbed Lord Primus from his lapel and shook him violently.

The knight did not wait for any answer and he went on.

"What are you?! Where did you find it?! Why do you wear it?! Speak! Speak! Speak!"

One of his soldiers run through the gathered crowd and held Dieter back, thus relieving the Count of Pesol from the unpleasant situation he was forcedly involved.