Uceek Family/Danzi/contract

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Roleplay from Danzi

Message sent to everyone in your realm (75 recipients)

The whole city reminded her of him, to her this would always be his city. Danzi remembered the day of his "appointment", she laughed a little at the recollection.

She went straight to the palace, but instead of to her own room she climbed through the window into Edwin's. The palace had many rooms, so Dauveut had claimed a different wing for his own and had left Edwin in his former Ducal lodgings.

It hadn't changed, the empty rooms were neat and ordered, testimant to their owners lifestyle. She wandered slowly letting the memories flood back, how many times she had visited, how she had mistrusted and disliked him at first. But it all ended with that look of undisguised disgust and contempt.

Danzi knew she was wrong, trying to take away his choice to duel and the means by which she did it was inhuman. Remembering the past week was like recalling a nightmare, as her sanity had snapped at the thought of him dying. If Eshear was still here maybe now he'd understand why an infiltrator can't form attachments.

Gazing out the window she watched the ships sailing in and out of the harbour, floating away from Ikalak to distant shores. Shores where she was unknown and knew no one. Perhaps she needed a fresh start, and this time she would care for no one. She would show the discipline expected of an infiltrator, so her blades would always remained calm and calculated, without passion or fear.

Lady Danzi Uceek (Dame of Korlok)

The first point is that you need to have at least 50 gold with you to hire a passage. Come back when you have (you can work or wait for a tax day).

Roleplay from Danzi (just sent)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (73 recipients)

A carrier pigeon arrived at the window, bearing the seal of Taselak on the parchment. Danzi wondered briefly how it had found its way to her. Nonetheless, she communicated with the foreign stranger.

"Lady Danzi... would you be interested in taking on a paid assignment? The risk is considerable."


"The person I need to see having an accident is a Taselakian. Someone with a title, even. Then, there is the matter of the price."

"The price is unimportant, I want what I need to fetch a ship away from here."

"Well, that's the thing, if you are caught with a knife near this person, emigration might not be an option for you."

"And does that concern you?"

"Well, I thought that might be a concern of yours. If not, all the better. If you have nothing to lose, you are especially valuable to me."

"My concerns are for no one else. My 'value' to you will last as long as I continue to find you tolerable. You have asked me to do something I particularly enjoy doing, and given me a means to leave the island which I now desire."

"Sounds about fair. So, the price" ... "Does that sound good?"


"Excellent. You'll see who you're after soon enough."