Sartania/Constitution of New Sartania

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The Sartanian Revolution: The Constitution of a New Sartania

  • The Reason of Revolution

Sartania has been ruled by Edward for many years. Under his reign, the bands with our Federated Partners sank to a freezing point. By his non actions he brought us on the verge of Extinction. This cannot be the will of Sartan, nor is this the future for our beloved home Sartania. Within the realm, he made it hardly impossible for new nobles to rise to the rank of lord, or even to the rank of a council member. He monopolized power by being Duke and Pontifex and by negating any proposal to change this for since he started ruling.

The Rebellion is called to overthrown Edward Von Raven Heart and to establish a new government who will take every action to provide a stronger future for Sartania, to strengthen the bands between the Federation, to make sure Justice and Equality rule in Sartania till the end of days and that new nobles have a chance to become something in the beautiful realm!

  • The Choice for Tyranny

The Rebels have decided after very long deliberation that a Tyranny is the only way to make sure this power monopolization can never happen again. The Dictator will be the only ruler, but he will be bound to this Constitution of a New Sartania, written and signed before the rebellion starts to make sure he will keep himself bound to this Constitution for once and for all. The Dictator is forced to make every decision for the greater cause and good of Sartania, not to increase his own power or wealth. He may never leave the path chosen by the Rebels to improve life, safety and possibilities in Sartania, and is so forced to focus on the things written in this Constitution. The voice of the people will be heard and cannot be negated.

edit After the rebellion, the choice was made to stay a Theocracy there Sartan is our only God, in the past, now and in the future. Sartania was a Theocracy, and will stay one. The Terms used in the rest in the constitution will be changed to the terms used in the Theocracy. => 1 December 2007

  • Internal Politics

The amount of positions within Sartania will be limited to one for each Family. This includes: Pontifex, Paladin Primus, Haruspex Maximus, Fiduciary, Duke, Marshals of the two Sartanian Armies, and every region lord position. This measure is made to give everyone a chance to prove himself. Every position will be included in a council, military or political, so that the internal cohesion of the nobles in Sartania will increase. In this council, everyone will have freedom of speech.

The Pontifex can assign every position he wants. This decision will be made based on capability and loyalty toward the Realm of Sartania and its civilians. If someone in a position uses his power, given by the People and Pontifex of Sartania, to increase his own status, wealth or power so it will have a negative effect for Sartania, will be lifted out of his position and replaced by someone else. The same goes if someone is neglecting his task for the greater cause of Sartania.

If someone is against an action of whomever in the realm can send a message to the Realm Council and Pontifex to complain or ask for a review of positions. The request has to be based on reasonable arguments. Every request will be taken serious and investigated.

There will be referendums at a regular base to review the work of every council position. The result of a referendum is not to be followed by the Pontifex, but it can be a strong guide in how to rule or in how he is ruling the realm. If it seems a large majority is found against the actions of any council member, he/she and/or the Pontifex will know what he is up to. A referendum can be seen as a chance to promote yourself for a position if someone is not doing his job.

  • International Politics

The Dictator, everyone else in a council position and every nobles of Sartania is forced to be polite towards EVERY other noble in the Far East. He has to remain calm and is forced to keep the good name of Sartania in the highest respect. Sartania is a Tyranny and many people will be jealous about the power the Dictator has, or will be against any for of a Tyranny. This can result in insulting or other provocations. But never shall anyone of Sartania fall so low to start by insulting the others. If we can do this, Sartania will be respected in the whole Far East because of its discipline and politeness.

Every council member (Dictator, General, Executor and Banker) shall hold good contact with our Federated Partners. A good band on every level (Political, Military, Juridical and Economical) will increase the strength of the Federation. The Federation is the most important international band for Sartania.

  • Military Policy

The General is the highest in command of the military forces. His orders are law and cannot be negated. If so, fines will follow. Under him, two Marshals shall serve to make sure everyone is deployed well in battle. The Marshal has to keep the discipline in his army, make sure the orders of the General are followed correctly. If a Marshal is doing his job right, he could get more freedom of the General and prepare actions on his own. If he fails to do his job right, he will be lifted out of his position at the demand of the General. Any rejections against an action of the General can be send directly toward Realm Council and will be investigated. Again, there has to be a good argumentation.

The General, Dictator and Marshals shall be gathered in a common discussion group to increase communication concerning the military strategy. Any idea's, thoughts, plans can be send toward this council and will be taken serious.

  • Juridical Policy

The Executor of the realm will make sure order is kept within the Realm. He has the possibility to fine or ban people and to make the laws of the Realm. Realm laws have to fit in the idea of this Constitution. This Constitution is higher then the realm laws. This Constitution is the base for a Just and Equal Realm. Other council positions are able to ask for a fine, but only after deliberation with the Executor. No one can be fined out of free will. Any action against this Constitution will be followed by a ban or a fine, as the Executor will point out. The Executor has to make sure this Constitution and the Sartanian laws are followed by everyone within the realm.

He also takes command over the dungeon. Foreign prisoners will be treated with respect. There will be no torturing unless on demand by the Dictator of General, but only if there is a good reason. The Executor will decide if a reason is worth torturing. Money can be taken away from prisoners, but only from enemy prisoners. Execution or Deporting from infiltrators is done by the Executor. How to punish him is chosen by the Executor based on the reason of imprisonment.

  • Economical Policy

The Banker has to keep an eye on the food reserve of Sartania. He has to make sure every region has enough food and that starvation cannot happen. Surplus of food can be sold toward other realms. Federated partners will be able to buy food first, if not asked, it can be sold to other realms that are not in war with us or our Federated Partners.

He also keeps an eye on the tax division. He has to make sure each realm council position is supplied with a decent amount of gold for they have no region income. Regions will have to give a minimum of 20% to the realm to make sure the council positions are supplied with gold. There will be no money hoarding within the realm and as soon as this is seen, the Dictator has the chance to react against it. Mostly it will be followed by a fine and loosing the position. Equality is very important for this realm! That is the reason why there is only one position for every family. Everyone has a fair chance to get a position.

  • Religious Policy

Sartan is our god and will be always our god. This is the only religion tolerated within the Sartanian lands. There will be no room for other religions. This means: no temples or anything from that kind of stuff. You can be a follower of a different realm, but you will not follow it in public. The Church of Sartan will decide which religions are evil or not.

  • Changes in this Constitution

Changes in this Constitution can be made. A request with a decent argumentation can be send to the Realm Council. They will investigate it and compare it with the Constitution to see if it is nowhere against it. The writer of the amendment can be asked to explain it more. After the investigation, the council will vote. If three votes out of the four are for the change, this will go to the whole realm. There will be voted with the aid of a referendum. 2/3 of the people has to vote to be a valid referendum. 2/3 has to accept the change. If this is reached, the amendment is valid and will be included in the Constitution.

This Constitution has been written by: Ascanius of the Brotherhood and Jannes Danlawer, 18 August 2007

This Constitution is signed by: Ascanius of the Brotherhood and Jannes Danlawer, 18 August 2007

This Constitution has been edited by: Jannes Danlawer, 1 December 2007