Plergoth Press/Issue Nine

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Bring in Valhalla's head, get a lifetime subscription! Editor: Mendrugo Issue Nine, November
The main propaganda sheet and newspaper of Plergoth!

Plergoth Shows Fighting Spririt in Dark Times!

November 9, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

Dark times have come to Beluaterra.

The Daimon-corrupted realm of Vlaanderen is expanding on all fronts, battling Heen, Avalon and Fwughovor in the aftermath of their complete destruction of their former ally, Khthon. Now, large forces of Daimons have turned their attentions to Plergoth's outlying regions, striking into Cwellndell, Zuhle and Piwani.

The Defenders of Plergoth have rallied to oppose the Netherworld's dark designs, but have been kept from offensive operations by a series of incursions by the Necromancer's Servants and uprisings among the monster tribes native to Plergoth's woodlands. With the elimination of the nest of giant serpents in Ypsilanti, the monster menace has been dealt with, for now, and the realm is ready to begin to take the fight to Vlaanderen once more.

Where Have All the Adventurers Gone?

November 9, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

The recent spate of monster and undead uprisings in Plergoth's territories (including Creasur) leads us to a question - are these attacks the result of the proximity of large Undead and Netherworld armies, or have Plergoth's adventurers been unable to deal with the problem before it reaches the level where the Defenders of Plergoth must deal with it?

Attempts to contact Plergtoh's adventurers have been for naught. Their favorite hangouts lie abandoned. Rumors among the peasantry indicate that a great many of Plergoth's outlaws and freemen were involved with the Beluaterran Alliance's attempts to close portals, and that many of these brave Adventurers were swept up by Daimon patrols and cast into the dungeons of the Netherworld, where they were tortured and, in some cases, slain.

The Plergoth Press puts out the call to our brave freemen - your nation needs you! Please return to our lands and hunt the monsters and undead, leaving our army free to engage the daimons on the field of battle.

Together, we can win!

The Sacred Ring of the Undead - Revealed!

November 30, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

The mystery of the disappearing Adventurers has been solved. In late October, rumor spread through the Adventurer community that a great treasure had been lost in the eastern lands, and they set forth in search of it. After many weeks of scouring the countryside, Freeman Samwise prevailed, recovering the lost Sacred Ring of the Undead, and delivering it into the hands of the secretive Disciples of Koshi, who sought to learn its dark mysteries to reveal the secrets of undeath.

Following several weeks of intense study, the Disciples were contacted by a Melhedian Adventurer, who gave an account of the history of the Sacred Ring:

Leading the Abyss is the Summoner, supreme Hierarch of the Ancestors who answers only to the enigmatic One which all undead speak of reverantly. Below him all commanders of the dead order themselves by the length of their unlives in a strict hierarchy all the way down to the lowliest peasant. Oddly enough, though the hierarchy is determined by the infamous, "dead men's pointy boots" system, there is surprisingly little political infighting and efforts to advance one self. It is speculated that since the state of undeath, as explained in the book The Undead State: Life After Death, has no Life, they may have a limited ability to work in opposition to the orders of their superiors. It has been speculated that should the Summoner be captured it might in fact result in the total collapse of the Abyss, an assumption later proven by the imprisonment of The One. The One was captured when the capitol of the Abyss fell, which was the result of the daimons attacking the Abyss through the Mio Dupaki gate form this side of the world. With the One in hand the daimons torture it until it issues the orders they dictate, the undead are thus forced by the hierarchy to carry out orders on the behalf of their enemy.

The One proves to be a complex enigma to all scholars. The Old Gods priests hold that it is but the Ancestor's name for the Dark Mistress, goddess, and the term is used loosly, of fire, death and shadows. The Factorium and Guardians of the Flame are hesitant to accept this idea, despite how fitting it is, on the grounds that Gods should not be so easily imprisoned. The counter argument being that the Dark Mistress was chained to her throne by the Ice Queen herself long ago for aiding humanity and thus it might not have been nearly so difficult to capture her. Speculation will continue until more information can be acquired, but all agree that to restore the Ancestors, The One must be rescued.

Summoner is the supreme hirarch of the undead, leader of the abyss and avatar of what we call the Dark Mistress, goddess of death. With the hirarchy being absolute the commands of Summoner could not be ignored by any undead commander. Should a Summoner die the next oldest undead commander would ascend to replace him, gaining all the knowledge of every Summoner to exist. The Summoner answered only to the creature they called the One, a being of power who all the undead spoke of with reverance. The One's commands could not be ignored by any undead and almost nothing else is known about them.

When the One was first inprisoned, but before the daimons could begin to issue orders, Summoner pleaded with the human kingdoms to destroy him least he serve his enemy and it was during this time that the sacred ring of the undead first appeared. While still free Summoner gave the ring to an adventurer, Jana who then fled. After some time, when the daimon agenda was fully entrenched, Summoner attempted to regain the ring. During this time it was remarked that the Summoner seemed to be unable to access the extensive memory of his position, and could not speak to the One directly. When the ring found it's way to Taronis, grandson of the first ruler of Melhed, the man displayed remarkable knoweldge and seemed to speak with someone none could see.

It is so believed by the followers of the Old Gods that the ring enables communication between the only thing the undead held sacred, the One, and the wearer, thus enabling direct communication with their Goddess.

Thus, it may be possible to use the Ring to free the Undead from Daimonic control and regain their aid against the Netherworld. Or perhaps this is all a daimonic deception. The Disciples of Koshi are presently conferring in their secret places on a course of action.