Plergoth Press/Issue Nine

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Bring in Valhalla's head, get a lifetime subscription! Editor: Mendrugo Issue Nine, November
The main propaganda sheet and newspaper of Plergoth!

Plergoth Shows Fighting Spririt in Dark Times!

November 9, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

Dark times have come to Beluaterra.

The Daimon-corrupted realm of Vlaanderen is expanding on all fronts, battling Heen, Avalon and Fwughovor in the aftermath of their complete destruction of their former ally, Khthon. Now, large forces of Daimons have turned their attentions to Plergoth's outlying regions, striking into Cwellndell, Zuhle and Piwani.

The Defenders of Plergoth have rallied to oppose the Netherworld's dark designs, but have been kept from offensive operations by a series of incursions by the Necromancer's Servants and uprisings among the monster tribes native to Plergoth's woodlands. With the elimination of the nest of giant serpents in Ypsilanti, the monster menace has been dealt with, for now, and the realm is ready to begin to take the fight to Vlaanderen once more.

Where Have All the Adventurers Gone?

November 9, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

The recent spate of monster and undead uprisings in Plergoth's territories (including Creasur) leads us to a question - are these attacks the result of the proximity of large Undead and Netherworld armies, or have Plergoth's adventurers been unable to deal with the problem before it reaches the level where the Defenders of Plergoth must deal with it?

Attempts to contact Plergtoh's adventurers have been for naught. Their favorite hangouts lie abandoned. Rumors among the peasantry indicate that a great many of Plergoth's outlaws and freemen were involved with the Beluaterran Alliance's attempts to close portals, and that many of these brave Adventurers were swept up by Daimon patrols and cast into the dungeons of the Netherworld, where they were tortured and, in some cases, slain.

The Plergoth Press puts out the call to our brave freemen - your nation needs you! Please return to our lands and hunt the monsters and undead, leaving our army free to engage the daimons on the field of battle.

Together, we can win!