Melhed/History/Age of Betrayal/Undead/Undead Magic

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The idea of magic. Has there ever been a topic that holds as much draw and scorn? The world over is filled with witches and charlatans, claiming to hold the power to change the world. All too often they hold nothing but dreams and lies, or are just poor unfortunates who got in the way of the Inquisition of the Dying Light. Left unknown and surrounded by half truths and secrets magic is considered the work of fools and idiots, until now.

Discussions with the undead lead to hints of magic and it's power as outlined by these short passages.

Fatigue can cause us trouble my friend...we do need rest after using up tons of energy. For instance, after raising a mighty army, I like to rest so I am sharp for battle. Whenever I take in too much damage, too much of my body is "damaged" and needs to "repair" itself with "time off." I hope this all makes sense...we regenerate rather quickly, but we can be killed, and not resurrected again. I wonder what I have waiting for me once I serve this duty. ~General Sarge, Ancestor Legion

It had been theorized that the undead require a source of energy to remain animate after Life has fled, but this is the first confirmation we've had. The implications are staggering, the least of which is it points to a still unknown energy source. Armed with this knowledge Factorium scholars were practically worked into a frenzy preparing follow up questions.

What allows us locomotion and animation? I just think it, and it happens. I sense the dead, and I can raise them as you would flick a piece of flint to create a spark.

I cant tell you much of the unknown energy that because it is unknown to me. I can only make assumptions, as you mortals, have about your own essence/creation.

My apologies for creating confusion, let me make it more a child you are born, and although you never "learned" how to eat, you know how to do it as you blindly reach for your mother's tit. That is how it is to me with raising the dead. I just know how to do it. ~General Sarge, Ancestor Legion

The lack of understanding on the part of Sarge was at first met with suspicion, but has spurned on numerous experiments none the less. One point that is debated heavily is the nature of the raising the dead ability displayed by the generals of the Abyss. A human cannot raise a corpse to undeath without thought, undead can, and both have the same soul. It is thus believed that the ability to raise the dead is in fact tied to the bodies of the undead. Factorium scholars have gone so far as to suggest that with a body, or at least some undead flesh, it might be possible to duplicate the feat.

We ultimately determine who lives a second time. We traditionally resurrect only the greatest heroes and minds because their essence remains with them, and they are allowed to retain MOST of their memories, and thus serve us. However in this case, we will resurrect this being, and use ancient spells and magics to bring forth those memories against his free will. ~Hierarch Summoner, Abyss Overlord

Thus it is with one fell swoop Summoner had provided confirmation of a long held theory; that magic exists. Studies by the Factorium have long spoken of an unknown source of energy, long before even the arrival of the undead. The legends of the Old Gods tell us of Incindia, which we still use to this day, and the powers of necromancy, both gifts from the Dark Mistress, goddess of fire and death.

I can tell you nothing of magic...only that it is an ancient part passed down only to a select few. In the wrong hands, it would surely mark the second end of the world. ~Hierarch Summoner, Abyss Overlord

There is little more to discuss at this time. Summoner refused to comment further having stepped into the Shadows just after the final reply, and so far scholars have made little to no progress beyond Incindia. Research and study continues, but with great trepidation. Many are torn between the wonders that might be achieved and the thought of have such power in the hands of those too young of mind and morals to use it as they should. Only time will tell how things pan out.