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Revision as of 00:36, 14 September 2007 by Crazylozda (talk | contribs) (added region description)
Realm Heen
Region Kording
Lord Mao Tse Tung
Duchy Tahgalez
Weather Area Western Badlands Population ~1600
Region Type Badlands Location Midland
Gold 262 Food 51 Bushels
Recruitable Troops None Knights None
Kording: The Shining Gateway to the Western Desert.

Comprising the majority of the Western Desert, the region of Kording is (in)famous for the harshness and hostility of her landscape. Vast white sand dunes, some tens, others hundreds of feet high comprise the majority of Kording's West land area. The sand is of a particularly fine quality and is largely responsible for the region's well-established glass industry; glass-making has been a local tradition in Kording for hundreds of years. As a result, Kording glass is of the best quality. This tradition in conjunction with recent the rise of the glass merchant guilds (collections of skilled artisans), has resulted in glass becoming the prime earner for region as it fetches a high price in the Cities to the North and West.

In the Eastern regions, the desert landscape changes from that of an arid, predominantly fine, sandy composition to that of a more semi-arid, rocky nature. Hence the much greater population density associated to the East. Agriculture is possible here, but is not widespread. A number of factors contribute to this, notably the glass industry, the harsh climate (not as harsh as the West), and the high prevalence of trading routes with other more fertile regions (namely Aku, Gilhacert, and Watto - hence 'Gateway to the Western Desert'). This excess of trade is also responsible for the greater cultural and religious diversity associated with the East; most notably the higher prevalence those fairer in skinned.

Sweltering heat in the day and freezingly cold nights characterize the climate of Kording. Most days the skies most days are a blinding shade of light blue. Nights, a particularly light navy-blue. Sunrise and Sunset are truly a site to behold, however! During sunrise and sunset, the sun, lacking in her day-time ferocity, grips the white dunes and the horizon, transforming both the clouds and the dunes into a violent orangey-red, the sky a royal purple; the horizon orange, like a hot ember. It is often a magnificently violent scene. Dawn/dusk is the most pleasant time of day of all in the desert; it lacks the overwhelming heat of the day and the chilling cold of the night. Precipitation is naturally low (higher in the East than it is in the West).

Kording's harsh climate in conjunction with her hard landscape makes her a land of extremes. The wealth associated with the glass and the high level of trade however gives Kording much diversity and prosperity - both human and material