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The Old Grehk News
1 golden coin (Hopefully) A Monthly paper Edition 1. Archived

1.Monsters Examined

11-06-2005, Ossmat (OGN,OA),

The Old Grehk Imperial Army has managed again to capture some monsters. This time they weren’t used to be tortured or executed, but they were given to the Scientific Academia in Ossmat. The professors could examine 5 monsters, and came to many shocking conclusions. A monster’s atonomy is almost the same as a human. However the skin is different, it is created by the same cells that do it for the humans. A new thing discovered is that monsters can spit biting sour, and that burns trough a human skin. “Although we hate this monsters, we still respect them,” said Dr. Urmore of the Ossmat Academy of Biologics and Anatomy. “We have concluded that monsters are very vulnerable for arrows with an iron point. Their skin is rather strong, so wooden arrows would not hurt them. But iron arrows do.” He could tell us. He also told us this: “We are now looking for a poison, so we can inject it into the monster’s food. The poison we are looking for now, is one who spreads itself under the monsters. We have found one, but it seemed to be dangerous for mankind as well.”

-PrinsSimon, reporting in order of The Old Grehk news.

2. Dirty Water

11-06-2005, Vozzessdor (OGC)

The Old Grehk Department of Water has given free a new report of the state of water in Vozzessdor Lake. The conclusions are very negative. The undead are making the Lake filthy. The pollution is a serious threat for the civilians. The Department of Health Care was warned, and preparations were made. The Duke of Vozzessdor ordered to dig a new watering hole, where the water could be cleaned by natural plants. The people of Vozzessdor are thereby forbidden to use any water of the Lake any more. Those who will, shall die because of the pollution.

-PrinsSimon reporting, in order of The Old Grehk news.

3. New Bridge Construction in Ossmat

11-06-2005, Ossmat (OGN, OGC)

A wonderful day for the architects in Beluaterra. A new, revolutionary bridge is being constructed in Ossmat City District. The Duke has proudly announced that the bridge was designed by architect Balzava Imone, and is build by a new technique. The Bridge can be lifted in times of siege, or when there is a fire/disease in town. The bridge is being build over the Cozolac Ossmat River, and it connects The Old Right Border with the new and modern Southern Town. The citizens are very happy. Here are some responses send to our redaction. “Now I can move my trade carts over a stone bridge, without taking the risk to fall in the water. This one will be better then the Old Bridge, I’m sure.” “It’s mighty, I praise our Queen and our Duke. Now we can finally tell that we have a decent bridge!”. Balzava Imone: “I am very honoured that the Queen herself gave me this order. I live here for a long time, and I’m sure a new, stone bridge, will help the economy much.”

The bridge will be named after the first ruler of Old Grehk. It will be named: The Karim Memorial Bridge. The bridge will be ended in three months, says the architect. The Queen will opened the bridge, together with the Duke, in a small ceremony.

4. Mekoter recaptured

08-06-2005, Mekoter/Ossmat (OGN, OGC, LGM)

The Old Grehk Imperial Army has recaptured a former Old Grehk region: Mekoter. The people were happy to be freed, they were under the control of the Undead and Monsters. Lemon Tree started the Take Over, and many joined the Take-over-force. Lemon Tree has so far not given a response to us. The Queen let us know that she is very happy to see us expand, and she told us that we might keep Vozzessdor now. However the food situation is still bad there, certainly now that people die by unknown reasons. The old local Government of Mekoter (LGM) is reinstalled and they returned after they had fled to Ossmat. They are now rebuilding the region to its old glory, however it is still unsure if they can completely rebuild it, since The Old Grehk Exchequer, under command of Arathorn, is lacking resources. But the people stays positive, and are already ready to pay a higher tax if they can be protected.

5. Starvation Tactics in Vozzessdor

11-06-2005, Vozzesdor/Ossmat (OGN, OGC, VDG)

The Vozzessdor Duchial Governement, in corporation with the Old Grehk Capitolium, has announced that there will be a period of starvation between every harvest. This new tactic fits into the Plan of Survival. Since the food stores are lacking food, Arathorn has announced that the supply of Vozzessdor will be reduced, and there will be a 2 days starvation period every week. The people of Vozzessdor are complaining, and some are not even going to work anymore. This results in a drop of Economical Power, so the Duke gets lesser money then before.

6. Expansion Plans

11-06-2005, Ossmat (OGC, OGN)

Many discussion have been going around in the Old Grehk Government Institutional Palace lately. The Capitolii were discussing which way we should expand. And if there would be a colony. Many of the Capitolii agree that a take over of Unger in the future could cause problems with Melhed. The idea of a take over of Vore, Gethsemene, Sandefur and Vatrona is more liked. But for this, Old Grehk will need much food to feed the new cities. There has also a discussion been going on about a colony. Some troop leaders, mostly new ones or ex-Ar Agirians, would like to head to a new region, and start a Colony Take Over. Lately, the side of “Yes” has the most votes, however this could change very fast. But then a new problem is coming: Where should the colony begin? In former Marca da Pantera lands? If Ashborn dies, in Firbalt or surroundings? Close to Wudenkin? Ex-Voghor? lands? A big point of discussion this is. But for now, the Capitolium has ended the discussion. More news will come about the subject as soon as it revives.

7. New religion comming up?

11-06-2005, Ossmat (OGN, Unanimous Source)

Words are spreading that some troop leaders of Old Grehk have found a new religion. Whispering voices tell us that PrinsSimon? and Lorgan are a part of it, and that the Queen is in favour of this religion. However the Arch Priest has expressed his negative meaning about a new religion. He told us that he would never accept an Imperial Religion. Lorgan and PrinsSimon? say they are not planning to bring out a new religion, however they say they are following a religion that is so far unknown. Others on their side, are complaining that we should never allow any form of religion, because one of Old Grehk’s seceding reasons was that they did not like any form of Religion. This is strange, because PrinsSimon? is the only original founder of Old Grehk. “At the moment that we began Old Grehk, the reasons seemed right to me. But soon I saw that a religion might one day be useful, and right. As it is written down in the Order of Laws, the law says that any form of wrong religion is forbidden. The question is, what is a wrong religion?” so far PrinsSimon’s comment. Lorgan agreed with this.

8. Disbanding the Capitolium

11-06-2005, Ossmat (OGN, OGC)

The Queen has stated that she would like to dissolve the Capitolium. Whispering voices tell us that the idea was told her by Lemon Tree. Some say he is jealous, some say he is right. But when the Queen expressed her idea in the Capitolium itself, she could not find any support. Many Capitolii were angry. They said that disbanding the Capitolium would make the Governemental Institution of Old Grehk one big chaos. The Queen wisely decided that she would leave the Capitolium alive, but she also told us that there would be a weekly report to the whole of the realm. We cannot wait until we see it.

==9. Midas Chia’s Aggresive behaviour==.

11-06-2005, Ossmat (OGN, OGC)

The recent diplomatic actions of Midas Chia has not been unnoticed for us. It seems that Midas Chia is willing to give in to the demands of their citizens, since they are in a desperate situation. Therefore they declared war on Plergoth, a tiny realm in the middle of Beluaterra. But more important is that they declared war on Ashborn, our true ally in the West. Some think that we should lower our relations with Midas Chia to neutral, to avoid any form of misunderstanding. However this is a delicate case. But it seems that Midas Chia will not last long anymore, since the undead invaded their capital. Dark Moon, the former ruler of Midas Chia, is still missing since he left his palace to inspect secretly other members. Some say he was ran lost when he was chased by undead, some say he was captured and brought away. Luckily, Midas Chia isn’t an Anarchy yet, since ime was elected as the new Dictator. Let us hope he does not declare war on the rest of the world.

10. Flood of Immigrants

11-06-2005, Ossmat (OGN, OGC)

Many realms already died because of the monsters, and all these troopleaders have to look for a new realm. And it seems that Old Grehk is a favorite place to stay. Old Grehk already accepted a nice part of Ar Agyr in their army, but it seems that they will soon have to expect Ashborn and former-Marca da Pantera leaders as well. Can Old Grehk handle this? It seems not, since tax income/leader is very low already. And many voices say that immigrants from the South are coming, for example immigrants from Midas Chia. Some Capitolii doubt they can handle it with even more troop leaders. The Queen is not sure yet, and maybe Old Grehk will have to forbid leaders to join.

11. Festival held

11-06-2005, Ossmat (OGN, OGC, OLG)

To celebrate the successfully take over of Mekoter, the Ossmat Local Governement held together with the Old Grehk Capitolium a grand festival. The results were good, and many were drunk until in the late hours of the next morning. People honoured the Queen and the Banker, praised the Judge and the General. It was a magnificent festival, and many songs and tales were written down about it. Let us hope this is good news, and that we can give a festival when Old Grehk becomes 2 year (30-08-2005, seceded at 30-08-2003).

12. The hunt for Criminals

11-06-2005, Ossmat/Vozzessdor (OGC, OLG, VLG, OGN)

A major police force was set up everywhere in the Empire, to arrest a newborn group of criminals. The criminals were terrorising the lands by burning food in some regions. The hunt was successful, and the criminals were caught. The Arch Priest will punish them, and execution is not unlikely.

13. Education Funds started

11-06-2005, Ossmat/Vozzessdor (OGN)

Ièmil Marvakes, a rich private company holder, has stared an Education Funds in Ossmat and Vozzessdor. He has donated an amount of 1795 gold to each city. The Ossmat Academy has received 850 gold, and 945 gold has gone to the building of a new Academy in Vozzessdor. The academy will be finished in five months, and will be named The Marvakes’ Grand Academy. Mr. Marvakes is very happy, and has received congratulations from the Capitolium, he says. He says he does this because he thinks that the Government does not invest enough in education of children. But he can understand this, because Old Grehk is currently at war. The meaning of his Academy is to educate new Scientist, Generals and Officers, Bureaucrats, Mentors, Cavaliers, Philosophers, and many more. He was honoured by the people of Ossmat, and gained a statue on the Square of Freedom in Ossmat.

14. Best bureaucrat

12-06-2005, Ossmat/Vozzessdor (OGN, OGC, BA)

The Bureaucratic Academy has released a new rapport of the current state and amount of bureaucrats in the Empire. The rapport is very positive, and was made in corporation with the Old Grehk Capitolium and the Old Grehk News. The Old Grehk News has started a competition to find the best bureaucrat in the realm. The results will be shown in the next edition of the paper. Those who wish to join the competition should contact the editors (Prins Simon, Lorgan). The competition is only available to join for bureaucrats.

15. Upcoming anniversary

12-06-2005, Ossmat/Vozzessdor (OGN, OGC)

August the 30th, 2005. Then Old Grehk will exist for 2 years. The preparations are already being made, however nothing is set up yet because of the current situation. Many people hope that the invasion will be over by then, so that we could celebrate our second anniversary. And no-one is really sure yet what we should do for our anniversary. Should we just have a huge festival? Our shouldn’t it be combined with a major tournament? If we do so, we can really show what power we have and how rich we are. Many voices also say that the festivities should be delayed, until Old Grehk is back at its big glory. The day of the anniversary, we could just have a little feast, and then when we are at full strength, we could have a super Major Tournament and a super Major Festival. I’m looking forward to test my skills in the tournament, together with many others.

15. What to do with a loose cannon?

12-06-2005, Ossmat (OGN, OGC)

What to do with a selfish infiltrator, AKA a loose cannon? Infiltrators who do what they wish to do are very very dangerous for the realm’s diplomacy and for the other troop leaders. A loose cannon can stab whoever he wishes too. Therefore, the Union of Stab Victims, ask all the rulers in the world to control their infiltrators more frequently. If the infiltrators are controlled, they cannot stab who they want. Or they can, but they can be punished for it afterwards. The Royal Old Grehk Union of Infiltrators has already protested this. They say that it is the right for infiltrators to go and stab where they like and who they (dis)like. However the Union has no power in Old Grehk, since it is a monarchy and the Queen decides whatever she thinks is right. There is no other news from other Unions yet.

16. Trader-heroes

12-06-2005, Ossmat/Vozzessdor (OGN)

We all know that Vozzessdor is an isolated city, surrounded by undead. We also know that few try to reach the city, and those who try it do undertake a very dangerous job. Traders of Old Grehk, are a part of this madman who go through occupied regions, to give the Vozzessdor’s people their daily food. And trading in these times is not without any risk. Many traders got caught already, some more the once or twice. Therefore, the Imperial Traders Guild has build a statue in Ossmat to honour the traders. The Traders are very happy with this, certainly because their names are engraved in the statue. And the people of Ossmat are happy as well. They think it is a great honour to have these traders passing there front doors. They call the Traders the “Food Heroes”, which is quiet right. Traders are indeed a kind of heroes, but then heroes who take care of the food more then the battle. At the moment, one of our reporters is following a Food Hero, named Kai Chiu. In the next edition, you can get a full length report of his journey.

17. New healers arrived

12-06-2005, Ossmat/Vozzessdor (OGN, OAH)

New healers have finished their studies, and are now ready to do what they are trained for. The paraphernalia shops almost ran out of healers, but since the new ones arrive, there are plenty of them. In total, 389 healers finished their year (468 began). That is slightly more then last year, when 379 healers finished their year. Dr. Vagmora, teacher at the Ossmat Academy of Healers, says that more and more people are interested in this job. It pays well, in private as in military career. However the private career still pays more then the military. But when you join the military career, the State gives you a house to live and food to eat. When you go for the private career, you will have to buy everything yourself.

-Gaucer’s Winery proudly presents you its new wine: Contalia Raisins Red Wine. Now available in the nearby groceries in Ossmat and Vozzessdor. Soon available in Mekoter, Ffangor and Gemke.

- THE MILITARY NEEDS YOU. Join up now at your local recruitment centre, because the State needs you! We promise you an unforgettable adventure in the Old Grehk Imperial Army. Contact your local recruitment centre.

Redactional add: if you would like to see your advertisement here, please contact PrinsSimon? or Lorgan.

-Editors: PrinsSimon and Lorgan -In order of the Beluaterra News© (BN) and the Old Grehk News© (OGN) -A free minded paper, no political sources used except the Old Grehk Capitolium (OGN). -All rights reserved. This is a free edition.

This Paper is a Test. More will follow soon.