Old Gods/Legends/Champions

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During the Fall not all Souls were corrupted by the Betrayers against The Highfather. Some brave and loyal Champions refused to give worship to the Betrayers and suffered greatly as the war ended.


-Wisdom guide my thoughts and temper my actions-
A scholar sailor, Kard sailed the seas with the ease a man could walk the land. Exploring the wonders of the world Kard refused to bow to the new god of the deep and fought to keep the seas free and safe. -Burned at the stake-


-Courage is my cloak, sheltering from the storm-
First mortal to stand against the Betrayers, Komar was a simple farmer when the Fall began, but would never flinch from his duty to The Highfather. -Slain by an army of daimons-


-Love my gauntlet, so I might hold gently and protect-
A healer Rigan provided for the poor and the infirm, easing life's sufferings and mending cuts. As the Betrayers preformed miracles to cure all ills Rigan denounced their ways claiming the price too high for the reward. Unwilling to stop their practice they soon found the Betrayers at their door. -died of a wasting desease-


-Justice is my sword, so the wicked shall fear-
A collector of tax, famed for their even scales and kind heart, Thesilia resisted the orders of the Betrayers that demanded extra tribute for their temples. Unwilling to take more than fitting Thesilia demanded the temples themselves pay tax instead, thus earning the ire of the Betrayers. Hearing of her stand the Champions sheltered her from the wrath of the Betrayers and she joined them. -slain by wolves-


-Honour is my armour, protecting me from harm-
A selfish prince who's home fell under the grip of the Betrayers, Quil sought aid to unseat his mother and return to the old ways. Hearing of the Champions he thought his gold would be enough to buy their aid, but when confronted by their faith found his greed transformed. Swearing to never again sully his honour Quil challenged his mother directly and liberated his people fromt he Betrayers before joining the Champions on their quest. -fell to a courtasan-


-Divotion my boots, keeping my feet on the true path-
A protector in the woods, Le walked the dark trails between the towns of the forest always ensuring they remained safe for those who walked them. First to meet Komar as he marched down the dark trails to confront the Betrayers, Le offered council against the rash action, but Komar would not hear it. Soon the words of Komar melted the icey heart of Le and he swore to fight side to side as long as he drew breath. -slain attempting to save Komar-


-Hope fills my spirit, bringing light to the darkness-
Sly and quick of mind, Yno-Htna the stranger lived by his wits moving from town to town in service to the Betrayers. One day meethign the Champions Yno journed with them, learnd of their quest, and became their companion. But the Betrayers would not lose their servant and commanded he lead the Champions into a trap. Yno outwitted the Betrayers and brought freedom rather than death, joining them on their quest. -slain by beasts along side Thesilia-


-Truth is my sheild, deflecting lies of my foe-
Said to be the strongest man in the World many Betrayers promised great rewards for Guri's divotion, each claiming to be the source of his gift, but he refused them all. Believing his strength was his and his alone Guri defeated all who dared to stand against him. Eventually his wandering brought Guri to the attention of the Champions and he was convinced of the rightness of their cause and joined with them against the Betrayers. -poisoned-