Calanar-Salvator Wedding

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The Chapel falls to a silent hush as the Cius enters and approaches the Minister. Sunlight streams through the stained glass windows casting multi-colored beams around the room. A crowd of family and friend of both the bride and groom are seated on both sides of the chapel. The Calanar family crest was replaced with Cius’ own crest which was a golden phoenix with a sword behind it on a red background flies over one side for the groom and the Salvator family crest consisting of a red dragon turning around a heart and the heart has a sword threw the middle flies over the other side for the bride. Occasional shadows from the giant oaks outside the chapel making the colored light from the windows seem to dance in celebration of this joyous day.

“You are ready sir Cius?“ The Minister asks in a whispered tone to Cius, looking at the best man Ziode who happened to have shown up at the right time for this as well, He nods his head, “Very good, I shall signal for the bride to come forth…. “

The Minister looks towards the organist and the giant instrument begins to play the wedding march. Lady Tiana’s chambermaid dressed in a light pink dress exits a small door at the back of the chapel quietly then comes back in momentarily nodding her head that all is ready….

All eyes turn to the double doors as they slowly swing open to reveal two very nervous looking young girls standing there with baskets of red rose petals, without missing their cue they begin slowly walking up the aisle towards the doors tossing flowers on the floor as they precede. Kali was uncomfortable, but did her job as best she could. Part of her wished this day hadn’t come.

Following the flower girls is Lady Tiana’s ladies in waiting wearing light pink dresses, and immediately behind them is Tiana’s twin sister Kara wearing a slightly darker more red dress than the ladies in waiting. The four women make their way to the altar slowly behind the flower girls then take their places opposite Cius, and his best man.

Cius smiled warmly when Lady Tiana exits a side room meeting up with her father in the entrance already, linking arms with him, and then proceeding up the aisle way slowly towards the altar. Reaching the altar Lady Tiana’s father looks at Cius with a proud look in his eyes, and almost a hint of the thought “finally”, then joins Tiana’s and Cius’s hands before sitting down next to her aunt.

There didn’t need to be words. If they were both here, they were ready. They then turn to face the Minister.

The Minister looks at Cius and Tiana, then looks to the filled pews of the chapel, “My friends we are gathered here today to join Lord Cius Calanar, and Lady Tiana Salvator in gods holy bond of matrimony.” The Minister pauses for a moment to let the depth of the moment sink in, “This union is not entered into lightly by these two hearts, and once bonded cannot be rent asunder lightly either.”

The Minister looks at the crowd of gathered people very solemnly and in a crisp, clear voice, “Before we start the vows I must put it to this gathering…. If anyone knows of any reason why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace…”, The pause after that statement is almost an eternity and no response. Kali looked around, and almost wanted to say something, but for all of the time she traveled with him, there was nothing between them. “Good then, Let us proceed with the vows and join these two on this glorious day in the presence of god.“

Looking at Cius the Minister says, “Cius Calanar, do you take Tiana Salvator to be your lawfully and solemnly wedded wife on this day?“ Cius nods his head and says “I do,” to the Minister. The Minister turns to Tiana and says to her, “Tiana Salvator, do you take Cius Calanar to be your lawfully and solemnly wedded husband this day?“ Tiana nods her head and says “I do,” to the Minister as well.

Turning to Cius and Tiana the Minister asks each of them in turn starting with Cius, “You may now exchange vows before all that are gathered here today…”

Cius looked at Tiana and smiled. “You know I’m not good with words, but we’ve been through a lot together. I’m glad it was with you, and I will stand by you in anything that you wish to achieve. I will give you my love and companionship till the end of our days.” Finishing his vows to Tiana, Cius places the ring on her finger and nods his head to the Minister that he is done…

Turning to Tiana the Minister bids her to proceed with her vows to Cius.

Tiana looks at Cius and smile, “As you well know I am not good with words either and yes we have been through a lot together more than any couple should even try to go through. We have made it this long I know we will make it longer . I will stand by you through the hard times and the joyous times. No matter what life brings us or tries to throw between us.” Lady Tiana places the ring on his finger and nods to the Minister that she is done.

The Minister hearing the completion of the vows, proceeds with the ceremony, “Let no man come between what has been forged here today between these two people.“ With that the Minister takes a second to pause, “It is my great pleasure to introduce to everyone here the Lord Cius Calanar and the Lady Tiana Calanar.“ leaning towards Tiana and Cius he says , “You may kiss now…“

Cius drew Tiana into his arms and gives her a loving kiss as the gathered guests cheer and applaud for the new couple.

The minister taps them on the shoulders, quiets the guests and says, “The Lord and Lady Calanar will be exiting now, please stand and face the aisle way.“

After greeting all the guests that showed for the wedding Cius and Tiana exit the chapel, get into an awaiting coach and leave to go to the banquet hall prepared for the feast.