Vyarin Family

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A minor family that has few significant ties and a mysterious, shameful geanology, the Vyarins began their rise to fame in Minas Ithil, where the young Knight Konrad has begun his service, fighting as a soldier. Hespera, his sister, has done very much better for herself in Itorunt, and has found a Liege, and is considering becoming a Trader, but trains regularly with the sword and her regiment, just in case. Below is an expanded account of them, and their unrecognized bastard half-brother, Hellbrecht.

Konrad Vyarin

Son of the Wolf

Young, outspoken, and niave, Konrad is often forced to restrain himself and his niave, newly-formed opinions, aswell as his eagerness to fight and win glory for himself and his family against vicious invaders. Having been raised at the side of his father, his upbringing was one both of regular discpline and harsh teaching, and also evenings spent around a warm log fire, hearing stories of Glorious Knights and battles with wicked spellcasters and Dragons. Konrad fell in love, as all boys do, with the ideal of Chivalry and Knighthood, and has yet to truly be disenchanted of these ideals, as all men who fight are.

Nonetheless, Konrad seeks to prove himself, not just as a warrior but as a nobleman, and as such seeks to establish balanced opinions on everything, although sometimes he allows himself to be swayed by particularly romantic notions- such as the valiant rebels against a Cruel King, and similar ideas. His opinions can land him in hot water if he is not more careful, as many in Minas Ithil do not share his rose-tinted view of life.

Despite all this, Konrad looks set to become a Bold warrior, and if he can find a Liege Lord who will take him, his path to eventual glory looks certain.

Hespera Vyarin

Daughter of the Evening Star

Where Konrad is fair and bold, Hespera is dark and mysterious. Taking after her mother far more than her imperious and learned father, Hespera is cynical and rational, seeking to balance events so that they make sense to her in a reasoned, logical manner. She does not view combat as glorious, nor is she enamoured by stories of Chivalry and Romance. Although perhaps not as beautiful as her name might imply, Hespera is confident of achieving success by the slow and steady path, rather than by seeking a risky, fast road to Glory.

Hespera does not seek a Husband to master her, nor does she seek to simply amass enough wealth to pay a dowry, or be content as a spinstress. Rather, she seeks to elevate the name of herself and her family to High Office, and serve her chosen realm with quite applomb, and take on responsibility so that she might Serve, and be Respected for the merit of her deeds, rather than for her birth-right.

Hellbrecht Vyarin

Outcast of the Storm

Raised by warrior preists, Hellbrecht has no title, no land, and no clear prospects in life. The bastard of Hespera's and Konrad's father, Hellbrecht was lucky to have been born at all, his mother, a comely serving maid, having been used and discarded at the whim of the Vyarin Patriarch. With no money and no claim in the Vyarin name, Hellbrecht nonetheless seeks to make a name for himself. Having suffered a brutal and harsh upbringing, and had the Doctrine of his God beaten into him, Hellbrecht has had to fight for everything in his life, and he seeks to prove the arrogant nobility wrong. Hellbrecht knows that it is not blood but inner faith and strength that makes the man, and he will do anything necessary to ensure success in his life.

Hellbrecht is an Adventurer, and he will never stop fighting untill he has claimed his rightful place, purely on his own terms and by his own hands. He will not fail the faith his God had in him, and he will not rest untill the memory of his mother has been honoured.