Dakka Family/Karnak

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Karnak Dakka


Above: Karnak standing triumphantly after winning his first drinking contest.






Honor: 55

Prestige: 21

Titles: Count of Ambermel

Karnak is the only member of the Dakka family to stay in their ancestral homeland of Redspan. Though the oldest, beating Ashnak out by 2 weeks, Karnak could never be mistaken for the smartest. He often gets himself and his men into big trouble with his over zealous faith in Da Great Goat. He would most likely have already lost his head in one of his hair brained schemes if not for his portly scribe Blagga and Karnak's own strange gift of luck.

Blagga Dak

Blagga is Karnak's scribe and, strangely enough bodyguard. Blagga is bound to Karnak's side for life, being a member of the lesser family of the Dakka clan and as such not having the ka at the end of his last name or the ak at the end of his first. Blagga is short, portly, and though not extremely smart much more cautious than his liege. Karnak and Blagga are an odd couple but despite Karnak's tendency of getting him bodily harm Blagga has grown to look up to Karnak's daringness, though most others consider it stupidity. Blagga acts as Karnak's voice of reason though he is rarely successful, as seen when Karnak attacked a retirement home thinking it to be an undead horde.

The Inquisitorial Goat

While trying to get the then disruptive noble Min to accept his challenge of a duel to the death Karnak somehow came up with the idea of building a giant wooden goat and using it to smash through Lady Min's encampment, kidnap her, and get her drunk enough to duel him ( a plan based on a story he once heard at the "library" while looking for pictures of goats). Though Lady Min later became a valued member of Redspan, Karnak kept the goat and took it as both his unit's name and his extremely large battle standard. Often Karnak will simply fill the goat with his men and as many goats and barrels of ale possible and then push it down a hill, sending him and his men hurtling towards the enemy lines.


After the brief undead invasion of Atamara the cowardly clean realm of Talerium, CE, Tara, and Redspan's former ally Carelia all declared war on the people of Da One. All available noble assembled at Stargard and in a battle of almost 5000 men and over 60,000 CS, 27,000 Cs of Redspanian defenders held back over 43,000 CS of the minions of Rosegarden Guy. Unfortunately in the heat of the battle Karnak was wounded and his men decided to withdraw with their leader due to heavy casualties. When Karnak recovered from his injury he awoke to find that former king Dielo had been seriously wounded and the Lord of Ambermel, Valanduil was killed in a second battle that saw the castle of Redspan fall to marauding mobs of camel lovers and perfume wearing demons. Seeing the tactical disadvantage they were at, the Leaders of Redspan ordered all able bodied men to retreat to Ambermel and on to Sullenport. Taking his fifteen men and as many peasants as he could fit into the Inquisitorial Goat Karnak escaped to Ambermel where, to his surprise, he was appointed as the new Count. He quickly took command of his new position, assigning all of his vassals to armies and renaming the 'Ambermel Heavy Infantry' to 'Valanduil's Revenge' in memory of the fallen lord and ordered a painting of him to be hung in the recruitment center's entrance.

Evacuating the countryside

After realizing that his ancestral homeland of Meldeen most likely wouldn't be returned to Redspanian control for a good deal of time Karnak arranged to have his family evacuated from Meldeen and commissioned a mansion to be built in Ambermel lest any of them someday convert to their Taran enemies.