Repzik Family/Gaunt

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Gaunt is the warrior of the Repzik family. A strong, trustworthy man wielding an antique lance that has been in the family for many generations. (Originally used by the first of the Repzik family, a cavalier, but Gaunt has perfected the use of the lance on foot.) Extremely loyal to the crown, he will do anything to make sure the King/Queen/Leader of the realm is kept safe and alive.

At the beginning of his career, he was a Knight of the Crown in Soliferum. While he was happy here (there was plenty of fighting and lots of gold to keep his men in the field) the leadership did not seem to understand the concept that if they mistreated the nobles under their command, people would take action against them. After a few more weeks, and one huge explosion from Soliferum's General, he made a deal with the judge of the Grand Lodge of Lunaria, Soliferum's enemy. In this deal, Gaunt would stay in Soliferum, despite the mistreatment, and send copies of the orders to the council members of the Lodge in exchange for safe travel to any of the Lodges lands for his defection. After arriving in Todtpitz, he visited a Temple of the Twilight and became a full member of the religion. (Destroyer of Chaos or one of Sol's Hammers as some call it.)

After many months of fighting for the Lodge, the leaders decided that it would be best to make a treaty with Soliferum to prevent Lunaria's complete destruction. (Soliferum is almost three times bigger then the Grand Lodge.) Gaunt was one of the many who detested this treaty and wanted to fight until the end and die amidst the bodies of his fellow soldiers that he loved as brothers and sisters.

Not long after the treaty was made, a new realm, the Tectum of Novus Spes (Shelter of New Hope) was made. The realms capital was Hatdes, a seceded region from Nighthelm, Lunaria's only ally in the war.

Now Gaunt has joined the Tectum and fights with some of the most honourable soldiers on the continent for the purpose of creating a place where the council members respect the needs of the common soldier and do not take advantage of the oath of fealty that the knights offer. Nighthelm wants to take back Hatdes and restore itself. TNS is now at war with Nighthelm and is outnumbered almost three to one. He waits for the siege on the walls of his glorious city, with his friends and brothers and sisters in arms, to confront the corrupt Nighthelm forces.