De La Fere Family/Jean II

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Jean II on the web(older versions with shiny pictures)

Jean II

Jean II is the son of Jean and Marie.He was born in the white city of Ikalak where he spent most of his childhood.

He went with his parents to Avalon where he saw his fathers death and it touched him so much that he and his mother left to South east to realm named Toren.

He started his military career there.Jean II is also interested in the life of shadows,because he likes to be alone.Some say that it is because of his father. Some say it is because his faith in Order of the Druids where he shall return one day....

But until that he is totally loyal to the realm of Toren. He is a Lord of Lesthem trying to fulfill his fathers dreams.
He really cares about the lives of peasants in Toren. He and Lady Averyll finally got the control of Lesthem... now he is looking for his second dream. to become a Arch Priest...