Enstace Family/Haroldin

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The mad Haroldin

By far the youngest of the family, Haroldin has not yet been allowed into the world of soldiers untill one of the others either die or retire. "Three's more than enough!" his father used to say. This has made Haroldin make several attempted murders on his sister Olricka who often visits the family mansion. His mad attempts at killing his own sister has forced his parents to move his quarters to the jail in Trawiy. His guards, however, are just as evil as him and his black influence has resulted in many a new prisoner's death when they had to share Haroldin's cell. His guards have also smugled various equipment down to him and they plan a major breakout.

Comments about Haroldin

"He's mad as Leonard!" -- Olricka "He Goat-damn isn't right! And he wears pants and drinks blood instead of ale and goatmilk!" -- Leonard "The best person one can meet! I hope he escapes soon!" -- Renal "Help! He's after me!" -- A peasant "If he escapes, we're all doomed!" -- Guard captain 10 minutes before his death "He was such a cute boy before.. I don't know what happened to him!" -- His mother