Church of Humanity/Unholy War

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The Unholy War

This is an account of The Unholy War that started on the 10/06/2007

Letter from Korin
Message sent to everyone in "The Door" (12 recipients)
Priests of the World,

I received this report from my brother...A mysterious undead horde, apparently with a demonic leader has been sighted on this Island, somewhere to the north...A note was apparently found in a village the horde pillaged...It is written in some demonic tongue...I heard it described as one old man as..."Enochian"...but I do not recognise this, nor do I find any reference to the language nor the words of the note intself in any ancient text I have access to...

I attach to this message a copy of the note found.

Roleplay from Looking (1 hour, 40 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Gadlock (18 recipients) sonf vorsg, goho iad balt, lonsh calz vonpho: sobra z-ol ror i ta nazpsad graa ta malprg: Beluaterra. asarm ohorela caba pir ds zonrensg cab erm iadnah.


I believe this is a dark sign...

Highest Regards,

Korin (Priest of Church of Ibladesh)

Letter from Tabatha
Message sent to everyone in "The Door" (12 recipients)
Thank you Korin, I have received similar reports. Do we have any details of the strength of these creatures?

Tabatha (Priest of Church of Humanity)

Letter from Korin
Message sent to everyone in "The Door" (12 recipients)
My brother attempted to detail, but it was difficult for him to pass along accurate information through so many links - He is a long way away from me at this point....From what I understand, the power of this single horde bears the power of a small army...

Korin (Priest of Church of Ibladesh)

Letter from Tabatha
Message sent to everyone in "The Door" (12 recipients)
That can't be good... Any Idea what it means?

Tabatha (Priest of Church of Humanity)

Letter from Korin
Message sent to everyone in "The Door" (12 recipients)
I only wish I knew...There are a few libraries of texts that I got from Temples that predated our own realm and religion...The Temple of the Heart predates Ibladesh...and I believe that the Church of Oc Lu Pesh was formed close to the same time as Ibladesh...It is possible that texts from these libraries may allow knowledge to be tapped that could help us...

Korin (Priest of Church of Ibladesh)

Letter from Tabatha
Message sent to everyone in "The Door" (12 recipients)
Hmmm...Well we have some texts in the Chaos Temple on the Obsidian Islands, I'll see if they can be of any help.

Tabatha (Priest of Church of Humanity)

Letter from Korin
Message sent to everyone in "The Door" (12 recipients)
Very good...I will pour over the ancient archives of our own...Perhaps if we uncover any useful information, we could arrange a meeting to study and discuss it.

We should act swiftly, this must be understood before it can be countered.

Highest Regards,

Korin (Priest of Church of Ibladesh)

Roleplay from Edward
Message sent to everyone in "The Door" (12 recipients)

Edward, was deep in prayer. He had heard of the undead uprising in a land far away and was seeking an answer.

"Quantim, there was a time you allowed me to see the entire world in all its workings for three years. You allowed me to visit my bretherin no matter what continent they were on. Edwin died on Beluatara Christofer became Arch Priest and Duke in Atamara and my own twin Stephen traveled afar and thenm returned home. But I feel one is lacking, I feel you have not allowed all the knowledge that is mine to be had to confront me. I ask about the Uprising in the land of Edwins death I ask for clear guidence and please allow me to continue in the path of the balance."

Stephen knelt and meditated, then a voice he knew as well as his own spoke

"Edward, my older brother you know me I am Edwin. You placed me in charge of looking out for the family before you returned to Fontan. I will now tell you, we have another brother, one that we never knew growing up. Our father sired a manchild out of wedlock when he had a tryst with a peasant woman who worked in the kitchens. His name is Godfrey he now resides in Beluatara in the realm of Old Grehk. You must contact him and perhaps he can help in your quest."

"Godfrey? I know the name the child of Lataya the cook, and you say he is our brother? speak true Edwin! I know you can see the truth"

"Aye brother its true, Father never acknowledged him and preferred to have him drowned, but he is our flesh and blood and should be treated as such."

Dazed and as if in a dream Edward pulled out parchment and quill and began to write

Edward (Priest of Flow of the Balance)

Roleplay from Edward
Message sent to everyone in "The Door" (12 recipients)

I have been told the truth by our brother Edwin, I know you are of Kane blood and you are on Beluatara. I bear the name of our Father Edward, I was one of the twins, and remember you while growing up. I am a priest in Fontan, East Continent. If you could shed some light on the current invasion there all the priests of this Island would be grateful. I will also do what I can to help you take your proper place in the world. A Kane should never be reduced to menial servitude, I shall never forgive Edward the Senior for what he has done.

Your Brother Edward

Edward (Priest of Flow of the Balance)

Letter from Tabatha
Message sent to everyone in "The Door" (12 recipients)
Ok well so far from the reposts I've seen there are two groups of Undead.

'Undead Horde Commander: Looking 254 men Undead 3050cs' - Gadlock (O.R) 'Undead Group Commander: Searching 433 men Undead 4200cs' - Skezard (Rogue)

The names of their commanders are quite odd...

Tabatha (Priest of Church of Humanity)

Roleplay from Edward
Message sent to everyone in "The Door" (12 recipients)
Edward had sent the letter to Beluatara hoping beyond hope that he would receive and answer. What seem like an eternity, But knowing it was too soon, the scribe he had sent had returned.

"How could you move this quickly between continents?"

"My lord, I know not. It was as if I was taken there on a whirlwind the gods must favor you my Lord it seemed to me that I was transported there and back with no visible means."

Edward took the letter that was written on old parchment that had been bleached and reused several times and read


First why should I believe that a Kane would accept me after I have spent my life looking for no more than acceptance. Then Tell me how a dead "brother" could tell you anything, I suspect you are writing me for no more than information. I will tell you what I know and hope you are honest in what you say. here is all I know it comes from the King and as you can tell he dosent speak to us the same as if he would speak to you.

Important Orders from lorgan (4 days, 10 hours ago) Message sent to: Aderyn, Arakasi, Aramis, Balfor, Barto, Barzak, Cole, Coopergill, Dane, Danhgni, Dark Hawk, Darkheart, davido, Dgk, Draal, Drexel, Duncan, Ebro, Edvard, Fenris, Fione, Godfrey, Grigori, Harvas, Heltost, Henrik, Indairo, Jurrd, Kumiko Adventurers of Old Grehk,

If any of you is in the possesion of one of these items:

Elemental Hammer of Betrayal | Weapon | 34 | Ancient Sabre of Daemonslaying | Weapon | 31 | Legendary Plate Mail of Strength | Armour | 79 | Daemonic Girdle of Leadership | Ring | 61 | Broken Mace of Suffering | Weapon | 68 |

It is an order to tell me. I will buy the item from you and pay you a good price for it.

let me know as soon as possible, the lifes of many innocent men depends on this.

lorgan King of Old Grehk

From what I can tell these undead hoards are looking for these unique items for some reason but the reason itself scares me.


Scanning back in his memory, the leaders of the undead here were searching and Looking perhaps this was a clue.

Edward (Priest of Flow of the Balance)

Report from Edward
Message sent to everyone in "The Door" (12 recipients)
Is there someone who could decifer this?

Report from Katsuyori (just in)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (81 recipients)
Roleplay from Revealing (8 hours, 22 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Greatbridge (35 recipients) lap noan trof cors tage, oq manin iaidon. vpaah zongom faaip sald, viiv l, sobam ialprg izazaz piadph: Beluaterra!


Anyone have any idea? Seems like we have an uninvited guest here and is certainly not a native anywhere.

Katsuyori Minister of Defense of Fontan, Count of Greatbridge

Edward (Priest of Flow of the Balance)

Roleplay from Korin
Message sent to everyone in "The Door" (12 recipients)

  • With tired eyes, Korin pours over a certain text he had located...It was ancient, more ancient than anything that should have survived...Indeed, it had fallen out of the inside of a different ancient, yet much newer text...Much of it had crumbled immediately upon striking the floor, and Korin had cursed himself for not being more careful...What had survived, Korin now studied, exhausted from his hard travel...

As he read, a specific phrase jumped out at him...It was penned between two other lines, as if it was not even supposed to be there...*

"For you are become a building, such as is not, but in the mind of the all powerful. Can the wings of the wind understand your voices of wonder, O you the second of the first, whom the burning flames have framed within the depth of my jaws"

  • Nothing about the line seemed particularly inspiring, so Korin was not sure why he had noted it...His eyes played over it a few more times before drooping shut.


A few hours later, Korin awoke. Frustrated at himself for falling asleep, he shakes the cobwebs out of his hair and looks down at the text in front of him...*

"lap noan trof cors tage, oq manin iaidon. vpaah zongom faaip sald, viiv l, sobam ialprg izazaz piadph"

  • Confusion showed in Korin's face...This was surely not the same as the text he had read before dozing off...He didn't even understand this tongue...

Korin carefully copied down what he had read, and the text in front of him.

Motioning to his scribe, he issued his orders...*

Send this information to Tabatha...I don't know what its worth, maybe it is just the sleepy hallucinations of a tired priest...But then maybe it will help. Send it at once.

  • Korin returned to the texts to search for more information.*

Korin (Priest of Church of Ibladesh)