Hynes Family/Alois/The Journey/RP19

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They were well outside Xavax and almost into Tota when the sun began to set on them, dissapearing behind the green canopy of the forest, only a few faint strands piercing the thick leaves to light the darkness underneath. The road they followed was little more than a game trail, cut and cleared of underbrush by woodsmen years ago, but still hard for the horses to take. The going was slow but steady, and soon the woods began to thin around the site of a small village. Little more than a small collection of huts, and a tavern.

Beside him, Pate smacked his lips. "I'm a bit dry."

Alois sighed, nodded, and dismounted. "Then we'll stop. Stable the horses, I'll be in the Tavern."

Pate took the reigns of the Charger, and Alois crossed the square to the tavern. Stepping inside, fifteen pair of eyes fell on him at once. They took him in fearfully, standing in the doorway decked in maille and plate, sword at his side. He stepped inside, spurs jingling against the hard wood floor, and stepped to the Bar.

The 'tender looked at him, flashing a nervous smile as he licked his lips. "Can I help you, Ser?"

"Food and ale," he commanded, "Two plates, two cups. My Squire will be joining me."

The 'tender placed a goblet before him on the bar, and beside him a man stirred nervously.

"Don't see very many Knights here," a man said from a table behind Alois. "Who do you serve?"

"Itorunt," Alois said, "Sworn to the Duke of Xavax."

"Long live King Lucian!" A man shouted from across the room, his words slurred and slowed.

"We're Yssarian," the 'tender shouted, "you drunken jack ass whoreson!"

"Aye," another put in, "We're in Tota."

"I'll be damned before I bend the knee to an upjumped peasant King!"

A flurry of outraged voices filled the air, calls of "Lucian" and "Eleran" echoing from both sides of the room.

"Dammit, John, I told you! My father mapped the area during the Census, and he said we were from Enubec, by the goddesses!"

"Crone take you and your father, Aaron!" The other man, John, shouted. "Your daddy couldn't find his arse with both hands!"

"He found yir mum's!" Aaron shouted back.

"Eleran, by God!" John screamed.

Aaron rose, goblet in one hand and the other on the head of a hatchet at his belt, and a group of supporters rose with him. "Lucian! Long live King Lucian!"

"They're federated," a peasant shouted over the angry din, "For the Love of the three, they're damned near the same country!"

A man threw a mug that shattered on the earthen floor, and two men started brawling in the corner of the room.

"You going to let them tear up my tavern?" The 'tender asked from behind him.

Alois shrugged. "If this is Yssaria, it's far outside my responsibility to stop it. So, yes." He drained the mug and lay it back on the bar, exiting quickly before he was caught in the middle of the fray.

He met Pate in the middle of the Square. "What's going on?" The Squire asked.

"Territorial dispute. Get the horses."