De La Fere Family/Jean

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Jean is the youngest son of Louise and Charles.
He startes his career in South East in the realm called Ikalak.
he was a bit jealous to Louis because Louis had achieved all he wanted. Lordship, position in the kings council. But Ikalak refused to give it to him. So Jean took his beloved wife Marie and son Jean II and left Ikalak.
His new home was on Beluaterra in a great realm called Avalon.
Shortly after arriving he became a Druide priest. He dedicated himself to Druids and Avalon.
One day Arien(druids holy man) showed himself to Jean and askedhim to leave the priesthood to serve the order some other way. But Ariene warned him that it may cost Jean his life. Jean followed the wish of Arien with a sadness in heart. Ariene told that it is his destiny and he shouldnt be sad.
One day an adventurer Henry claimed to be Jean`s brother through his father cheating on her mother.
Jean trusted his father and asked this pesky wannabe noble to a duel till death.
He saw Arien smiling to him during the duel. Jean understood that he was a part in greater purpose and let Henry to kill him. He understood that his death is neccesary to his order and his family. Before he took the fatal blow he heared Ariene saying "Those who sacrifice himselves wont be dead in the hearts of others."
Jean died but his soul lives forever...