De La Fere Family

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Revision as of 14:43, 30 May 2007 by M2rt (talk | contribs)

The Code of Chivalry

Guardians of the people,

Guardians of the land,

Lost is he who has not honor,

Lost is he who has not love,

Only when one is pure of heart,

True of soul and sound of body,

May he count himself among us,

We the noblemen.

(got from : [1] )

Main Princibles

  • Fair-Play
    • Never attack an unarmed foe!
    • Avoid cheating!
    • Avoid Torture in any way!
    • Don`t spy and don`t accept spies!
  • Nobility
    • Exhibit self discipline!
    • Show respect to authority!
    • Obey the law (unless it is against the Code)!
    • Administer justice and mercy!
    • Protect the innocent!
    • Respect women!
    • Show respect to all which is noble!
  • Valor
    • Exhibit courage in word and deed!
    • Avenge the wronged!
    • Defend the weak and innocent!
    • Fight with honor!
    • Never abandon a friend, ally, or noble cause!
  • Honour
    • Always keep one`s word!
    • Always maintain one's principles!
    • Never betray confidence or comrade!
    • Avoid deception!
    • Respect life,even the life of enemies!
  • Courtesy
    • Exhibit manners!
    • Be polite and attentive!
    • Respectful of host, authority, honour and woman!
  • Loyalty
    • To God, Sovereign, Country, and the codes of Chivalry!
    • Always respect and obey the law unless the law is wrongful!
    • Always be kind and never cruel!
    • Give mercy to those that ask for it!
    • Always be truthful and never lie!
    • Seek to stop injustice!
    • Have compassion to the weak, frail, and oppressed, and seek to help them in any way!
    • Be charitable to others and give to those in need!
    • Always succor women when they are in distress!
    • Love your country, family, God, and uphold them in any way!
    • Always put the needs of others above the needs of yourself!
    • Live a pure and noble life!

(partly adapted from : [2] )

Web Page

The de La Fere Family introduction (this is my first web page so...and btw used some very old microsoft publisher,if anyone has good program for that then tell the name...currently have no time but when the time comes I shall make a proper page..) --M2rt 00:30, 1 February 2007 (CET)