Uceek Family/Danzi/Nico

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Roleplay from Danzi

Danzi wandered slowly through the gardens in the academy grounds. The sun shone dazzling bright and she allowed herself to enjoy the warmth and brightness. She hadn't truly accustomised to the shadows yet.

As she rounded a corner she felt a hand touch her shoulder and startling she spun around allowing the dagger that was now always concealed in her sleeve to drop effortlessly into her hand.

Standing there with a grin across his face was Nico. Returning the dagger to her sleeve and giving Nico a gentle shove she laughed.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!!"

Inwardly, the tension of having Nico in enemy lands lifted and she felt more relaxed than she had in a long time. The former Lord of Rhic hadn't changed much since she had last seen him, yet he had a more quiet nature and was slightly paler, no doubt a product from his months of training.

"M'Lady, I promised to show you around the academy" he smiled, offering his arm to her.

As his arm lifted his sleeve drew back slightly, revealing shimmery, white scars. She timidly touched her fingers to his arm and gently trailed the line left by the horrible torture she had heard about.

When she returned her gaze back to Nico, his eyes had darkened and a look of hatred was etched across his face,

"He will pay"

The hoarse whisper sent a shiver down Danzi's spine despite the warmth of the sun.

Roleplay from Nico

Message sent to everyone in message group "The Shadow Council" (5 recipients)

Just after reading the last message, Nico took the walking stick and extracted the katana, holding it high.

He was somehow speaking to the katana...

My little, it's not the right time for me and you...

He put down the katana and took the dagger in a hand, grazing greedy with the fingertips of the other hand its blade, unintentionally hurting himself.

He was clearly nervoous...

Danzi looks rather interested in my cause, but i wouldn't like to see her suffer because of me...

Nico made up his mind, took the dagger, put the mantle and the muffler on.

He went out of home and lost himself into the darkness of the streets...

Nico (Lord)

18th March 2006

Roleplay from Danzi

Message sent to everyone in your realm (115 recipients)

~A tear trails down her cheek slowly. Suddenly Sandalak city seems like an empty place full of strangers~

Nico =(

Danzi (Lord)

Roleplay from Danzi

Message sent to everyone in message group "The Shadow Council" (6 recipients)

Hot breath steamed from her mouth as she perched perfectly still within the beams of Sandalak cities wide entry gate. She watched the dust from the traveling horse while her heart beat wildly with rage.

'This shouldn't have happened. He could've stopped this'

Gripping her dagger tight so that her knuckles paled white, she bunched her legs preparing to spring. Muscles tense she watched with perfected efficiency as the horse began to pass below her. Slowly she calculated the timing,

'3... 2...'

Unbidden tears swelled into her eyes clouding her vision. Rocking back she pushed the backs of her hands into her eyes, daggers held uselessly. Forlornly smearing the wet tears away she watched the horse disappear from sight into Sandalak city.