Avalon/Roleplay Section/Hector/Uncertain Times

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Previous: Attacks on the Capital

Uncertain times, part I

It has been 2 days since the battle in Cteduul, and there are rumors of Monsters bashing the country side near Lacint. It’s not long after that Hector receives word he’s been waiting for.

He goes up to his room, where Jessica lies, sleeping. And gently knocks. She’s been sleeping for long periods of time, and Hector is a bit concerned for her. “Jessica, my dear, I have some news.”

Jessica opens her eyes slowly, it’s nearly two in the afternoon, she’s been asleep for 16 hours. For the last two days, she's felt completely drained. Something happened the night the consuming light sent her into a coma for a day. She sits up, groggy and soar. “What’s the news?”

“Those damn creatures are attacking one of our regions, and I must go to help fend them off. I would like you and Arian to stay here, please, until I return. It should only be a couple of days.”

Jessica looks at him, somewhat fixated on his armor plate. He looks down, self conscious that something looks funny. She’s just staring, at nothing really, he realizes. Then he walks around the bed to sit next to her. “What troubles you, my dear?”

Jessica looks up, and with a calming smile says, “Nothing. Because you feel for me, as you do, nothing is wrong.” She sits up a bit and kisses him.

Hector feels completely at peace. This woman he loves, is able to sooth him as nothing has ever soothed him. He smiles at her and gently gets up. “Please, stay here, don’t wonder off. Arian will watch over you, you’ll be safe!”

Jessica nods, then lays back down. Hector watches her for a moment, and she falls asleep again. Peacefully sleeping.

Hector goes down stairs and comes across Arian. “Sir, would you mind protecting her? I’m sure things will come for her, and you are about all there is that can stop the dark things from getting to her.”

“But of course, the entire fate of all man-kind rests in her, and I will see that she is protected.” Arian says, looking awfully trustworthy in Hector's eyes right now. Hector has bonded much closer to Arian in the past 3 days. The event at the Marsh, and the time together afterwards has given Hector the understanding of the Druids and how Arian and his people work.

“Very well, Arian, I depart now, with my giant army of three men!” He says, then slaps Arian on the shoulder with a large smile on his face.

Arian nods to him, then lifts his hand to rest on his shoulder too. “Be careful, Hector, do not let this be your last adventure with us!”

Hector smiles and grips his shoulder a bit tighter, “Of course, I’m a big boy, I can handle it!”

Arian smiles at Hector and Hector walks off, fully suited and closes the door behind him. A large clunk is heard as he closes the door, and his boot steps can be heard walking into his front yard to greet his three soldiers.

Arian turns, a frown on his face, and dashes back to the “Whispering Grove” book and flips through the pages, searching for something. He’s worried there may be a time table to plant the seed. Finally, he finds what he is looking for. Nothing to be worried about, the seed must incubate for 3-10 days before it must be planted. They’ve got plenty of time.