De Succio Family

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The De Succios


Mendrugo de Succio is the black sheep of the family, even more so that Benvolio, if such a thing were possible. While his cousins Fiorello and M'oko bravely take to the field and seek honor and glory, Mendrugo prefers to stay well behind the lines with his caravans and make money.

Though his parents invested hundreds of gold in his training as a Knight, he soon threw it all away and became a trader. Upon realizing that the Ash Sea Islands were mostly landlocked and offered little in the way of lucrative trade routes, he emigrated to Beluaterra, where he found himself aligned with Plergoth - a realm with a great deal of food and desperately in need of gold to fight a two-front war against usurpers and opportunists.

His first missions were diplomatic in nature - hauling food from the bountiful croplands of Weghie and Worvobaen to the distant land of Heen, which was facing famine. Though not terribly profitable, the mercy missions were undertaken to court Heen's support in the ongoing war. Alas, the efforts came to naught as Heen later sent its armies to help the rebels take over the primary agricultural districts from which the food had come. As far as Mendrugo is concerned, Heen can starve!

Fortunately, new opportunities for trade and profit soon arose. With the realm of Avalon paying top prices for food, Mendrugo was able to make dozens of trips back and forth, feeding the starving people of Zod and Darhauyo and returning with badly needed gold for the Plergothian war effort.

Though usually far from the frontlines, Mendrugo can and will step up to face the realm's enemies, should the need arise. When a force of bandit raiders was discovered en-route to the realm's underdefended heartland, Mendrugo cobbled together a force of mercenary caravan guards and rode out to meet the bandits, tipping the balance of the engagement in Plergoth's favor.


