Kazan Family

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She started the career with her younger sister Gwynyth in New Omsk under the rulership of Lord Khorn.
Knight of Omsk (East Continent), Commander of New Omsk Army, General of New Omsk Army in Exile,
Knight of Ubent (East Continent), Commander of New Omsk Army in Exile to Ubent,
Knight of Fallangard (East Continent), General of Fallangard army, Duchess of Isadril, Arch Priestess of Fallangard First Church, the only opponent to the insane King Panther's and his mad council plans to betray the alliances (the madness that brought doom to Fallangard), punished and banned by King Panther for telling the truth and prophecing the disaster,
Knight of Oligarch (East Continent), Duchess of Oligarch, General of Oligarch, final defeater of Ken