Dakka Family/Rognak

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Rognak Dakka


Rognak Dakka hails from the frigid wastelands of Norland. Rognak is like most vikings, hairy, smelly, and a psychotic killer. Rognak is on the whole, dim-witted and cowardly but whenever he is thrown into a fight (either from too much drink or being dragged into the thick of it by his men) he shows exceptional fighting skill. Rognak frequently brags about his "war victories" in bars and to anyone that can't get away. Occasionally he even tells one that's true.


Rognak addresses his men before their first taste of combat in Elost

Roleplay from Rognak Message sent to everyone in your realm (82 recipients) After Rognak's scribe had finished reading Balian's speech to the men he addressed the Ice and Snow Commandoes himself.

Rognak: Men, we are facing a large enemy force, They have much more cavalry and special forces than us but horses are for eatin' and those shiny special forces will just mean even better gear to swipe once ya wack em on da head. Now I want all of you to remember one thing as you go out there to fight the enemy, your goal is not to protect your own life....

Magni: It's to protect our country Long live Norland! They can take our lives but they'll never take our yeti porn!

Rognak: Ahem! Well that's all well and good but NO! Your job is to protect ME. Now all of you are to crowd around me and protect my life at all costs. At least three of you will need to be within arms reach at all times so dat I can use ya as human shields. Additionally every now and then one of you should jump up and down to protect me from missile fire. Now lets go out there and be the best ablative shielding ever!

Rognak's men shouting war cries and chrged to take their positions at the palisade while sprint towards the fortifications Magni queried his companion,

Magni: Ey Bungroll, just what's "Ablative Shielding"?

Bungroll: I dunnoe I think ablative means hairy or something, I just got excited cause he screamed real loud and talked about eatin horsess and killin folks.

Rognak (Noble)

[[Rognak's Rants ]]