Heen/Martana's Scriptures

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By the quill of Martana Curs, the first High Marshal of Heen.

History of Heen

When the first rumours of the newly established kingdom of Heen had spread over the lands and seas, I was by cheer coïncidence on board of a ship sailing to the mighty continent of Beluaterra. As soon as I sailed to port I dug into the history of the island, trying to make the most fit choice of a realm to swear allegiance to. I chose Heen for numerous of reasons. I saw but a tiny realm amongst so many large, and my choice was easily made.

My first impression was staggering: I had entered a land that was in disorder and chaos. I learned quickly through the mouth of Scion the Skilled himself that Heen was one of the three parts of the former Varyamo Novlo. After a blody rebellion, the victorious rebel forces of Varyamo Nolvo were swept away by a divine hand and had sought refuge in the newly established realm called Heen. Realizing that in fact the rebel forces were rightious in their war against the former corrupt government of Varyamo Novlo, I decided to join their side. However Heen was originally loyal to the former Varyamo Nolvo, it's feable and effete leader Gaius Marius was quickly overthrown by the newly arrived forces.

Heen started a civil war against Vice and what was left of Varyamo Nolvo, to complete the rebellion that had once started to overthrow the corrupt and sinning nobles. I say sinning for their religion, Hedonism, that was based purely on indulging oneself in the lusts of the flesh and liquor. I was appointed High Marshal of Heen to put my experience in the balance to fight against the two realms that were the last remains of Varyamo Novlo.

Although both Vice as Varyamo Nolvo were superior to a weakened Heen, by hard struggle and determination Heen managed to build up a strong defence that could not be breached. I was busy day and night trying to find the most effective tactic against the superior enemy, I can truly say that it was the most difficult, but also most satisfying period of my life. I decided to reïnforce Heen City itself, making it an unbreachable wall aganist the realms of Hedonism. In a matter of weeks we were successful in this task, and I decided to turn the situation around: I ordered multiple attacks at Vicean and Varyamo Nolvonian soil.

The scales of wars slowly changed and Heen found itself soon enough superior to Vice and Varyamo Nolvo combined. Even though having a lower income, and being overcrowded by more and more people who shared our vision. I managed to use our army in the most optimal way possible, striking at the right target at the right time. Over time Heen was sure of victory and we would have ended the blody civil war soon enough by force, if not by a strange twist of fate.

Before Heen could finish off the last remains of Hedonism, Atilla, the Duke of Latlan decided to join our side. As Latlan joined our side, Vice had no regions left but Watersdown and was as good as destroyed. Seeing that Heen had won, Varyamo Novlo surrendered few days afterwards and gave its lands to Heen.

Although I had seen victory being achieved by the sword and spear, I did not regret the sudden diplomatic victory. Blood had been spilled too much, and Heen could count its losses as numerous as its enemies. I ordered the desert lands to be rebuild.