Faracan Family/Perdan Economy

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Region Tax Collected Trades Militia To Lord Available 1% Proposed Close % Value Max Knights Proposed Knights To realm % To Realm Gold
Aix 1483 1661 0 -264 209 1,188 13.97 25.00 2.00 28.00 42 20 38 631
Bescanon 794 889 -52 -254 87 496 5.83 25.00 4.00 23.00 21 10 30 266
Brive 215 241 0 -21 33 187 2.20 25.00 11.00 24.00 7 5 28 67
Chaos 42 47 0 0 7 40 0.47 25.00 53.00 25.00 1 1 32 15
Dimwood 136 152 0 0 22 130 1.52 25.00 16.00 24.00 5 4 22 33
Montauban 338 379 0 0 56 323 3.79 25.00 7.00 27.00 11 5 50 189
Nascot 261 292 0 -67 33 190=2 2.25 25.00 11.00 25.00 7 4 32 93
Perdan 2335 2615 -285 -985 201 1,144 16.45 25.00 2.00 27.00 42 20 23 601
Perdan Mines 495 554 0 0 83 471 5.54 25.00 5.00 28.00 16 7 50 277
Venas 132 148 0 -29 17 102 1.19 25.00 21.00 25.00 4 4 1 1
Bastad 116 130 0 0 19 111 1.30 25.00 19.00 25.00 4 4 8 10

~25 from your Liege, ~25 from the Realm

                                                                                       Max    Proposed   To       To
Region     Tax Collected Trades Militia To Lord Available   1% Proposed Close % Value Knights  Knights Realm % Realm Gold
Aix       1483   1661             -264    209     1,188  13.97   25.00   2.00   28.00   42        20     38       631
Bescanon   794    889      -52    -254     87       496   5.83   25.00   4.00   23.00   21        10     30       266
Brive      215    241              -21     33       187   2.20   25.00  11.00   24.00    7         5     28        67
Chaos       42     47                       7        40   0.47   25.00  53.00   25.00    1         1     32        15
Dimwood    136    152                      22       130   1.52   25.00  16.00   24.00    5         4     22        33
Montauban  338    379                      56       323   3.79   25.00   7.00   27.00   11         5     50       189
Nascot     261    292              -67     33       192   2.25   25.00  11.00   25.00    7         4     32        93
Perdan    2335   2615     -285    -985    201     1,144  13.45   25.00   2.00   27.00   42        20     23       601
P Mines    495    554                      83       471   5.54   25.00   5.00   28.00   16         7     50       277
Venas      132    148              -29     17       102   1.19   25.00  21.00   25.00    4         4      1         1
Bastad     116    130                      19       111   1.30   25.00  19.00   25.00    4         4      8        10
          6347   7108     -337   -1620    767      4384                                160        84             2187
                              Per Noble 26

~40 from your Liege, ~10 from the Realm

                                                                                       Max    Proposed   To       To
Region     Tax Collected Trades Militia To Lord Available   1% Proposed Close % Value Knights  Knights Realm % Realm Gold
Aix        1483   1,661            -264   209     1,188  13.97   40.00    3.00  42.00    28      23      13      215
Bescanon    794     889      -52   -254    87       496   5.83   40.00    7.00  41.00    12      10      10       88
Brive       215     241             -21    33       187   2.20   40.00   18.00  40.00     4       4      11       26
Chaos        42      47                     7        40   0.47   40.00   85.00  40.00     1       1       0        0
Dimwood     136     152                    22       130   1.52   40.00   26.00  40.00     3       3       7       10
Montauban   338     379                    56       323   3.79   40.00   11.00  42.00     7       5      30      113
Nascot      261     292             -67    33       192   2.25   40.00   18.00  41.00     4       4      10       29
Perdan     2335   2,615     -285   -985   201     1,144  13.45   40.00    3.00  40.00    28      23       9      235
P Mines     495     554                    83       471   5.54   40.00    7.00  39.00    12       7      36      199
Venas       132     148             -29    17       102   1.19   40.00   34.00  40.00     2       2      15       22
Bastad      116     130                    19       111   1.30   40.00   31.00  40.00     2       2      24       31
           6347    7108     -337  -1620   767      4384                                 103      84              973
                                           Per Noble    11

~10 from your Liege, ~40 from the Realm

                                                                                       Max    Proposed   To       To
Region     Tax Collected Trades Militia To Lord Available   1% Proposed Close % Value Knights  Knights Realm % Realm Gold
Aix        1483   1,661            -264   209     1,188  13.97   10.00    1.00  14.00    84      23      52      863
Bescanon    794     889      -52   -254    87       496   5.83   10.00    2.00  12.00    41      10      42      373
Brive       215     241             -21    33       187   2.20   10.00    5.00  11.00    17       4      59      142
Chaos        42      47                     7        40   0.47   10.00   21.00  10.00     4       1      64       30
Dimwood     136     152                    22       130   1.52   10.00    7.00  11.00    11       3      64       97
Montauban   338     379                    56       323   3.79   10.00    3.00  11.00    29       5      71      269
Nascot      261     292             -67    33       192   2.25   10.00    4.00   9.00    21       4      53      154
Perdan     2335   2,615     -285   -985   201     1,144  13.45   10.00    1.00  13.00    88      23      32      836
P Mines     495     554                    83       471   5.54   10.00    2.00  11.00    42       7      71      393
Venas       132     148             -29    17       102   1.19   10.00    8.00  10.00    10       2      55       81
Bastad      116     130                    19       111   1.30   10.00    8.00  10.00    11       2      70       91
           6347    7108     -337  -1620   767      4384                                 358      84             3333
                                           Per Noble    39