Talk:Tara Times

From BattleMaster Wiki

We had a bloody agreement and treaty with your Realm...I am not completely surprised with RedSpan breaking an agreement with us, they are notoriously known for throwing diplomacy/treaties out the window at a whim...but Tara? Tara has never broken an agreement with ASI, and this is even that much more dissapointing. I always thought that Tara's own setup was much like CE's since you two are so close, and the Republic's leaders told me clearly on numerous accounts that "Diplomacy was serious business in CE, and an alliance means everything" back when we agreed to improve relations with the Republic. I am dissapointed that our well earned peace agreement--which was going to more than likely become an alliance after your problems with Falasan were squared away--meant so little to your people because it meant a hell of a lot to us. But since war has not yet been declared, anything can still happen. I hope to not see the Tarans invading our lands...I thought that part of our history was buried and laid to rest...and that it wouldn't be ressurected. Some things are better left in the past, if the future looks bright. Doc's Revenge

Ha! If RedSpan can't handle the pressure maybe they shouldn't have declared war on ASI in the first place. ---Hyral