Sanada Family

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Revision as of 04:52, 15 March 2007 by Shravil (talk | contribs)
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Shravil:(Eldest Brother)

   The noble knight of the family, he has been training since childhood in lanceman-ship,
he believes in protecting all, even those who don't deserve it. He has a small grudge against his late brother.He has begun seeing a woman in his sleep, ever since his brother was killed, details of this woman is still unknown to him. This is why he studies in the library during his free time.

Auximallio:(Youngest Brother)

  The disrespected aethiestic knight, once Magnus Serpaenism started in ASI he immediately protested, stating that there was no logic in a snake ruling the realm from the heavens. 

---> He was killed in the burning of his Rogeshore home by the Magnus Serpentis Templars, his wife beheaded and his daughter missing.

Urimesai:(Middle Brother)

  He was sent to Sirion at a young age because he was not of the same mother as his brethren, he was of elvish descent. Because of this he has strong bonds with the elves of Sirion, but no knowledge of the well-being of his brothers, he still doesn't know Auximallio was killed.

Vistyle:(Niece of Shravil & Urimesai)

   The daughter of Auximallio is an extreme Magnus follower, complete opposite of her father, also a well abled swordswoman.She is a priestess of Magnus and actually doesn't mind that her father was killed by the Templars, she feels that any and all that oppose Magnus deserve to burn for it. She was discovered by Shravil in the rubble of her father's mansion and yet did not shed a tear for her father, yet her mother did she cry for that night.

Atsuko:(Dream Woman)

   The mysterious swordswoman of Beletuerra, often seen by Shravil in dreams, although he has no knowledge of who she is. She, in his dreams, is always shrouded in a black embroidered Ash Sea Islands armor with a Serpent tattoo grasping her right arm which is holding an ancient looking katana with dragon and serpent embroidery. Her corellation to ASI is still unknown to Shravil, even though he spends extra time searching books for any mention of her.

>May RP Atsuko and Shravil meeting if ever they are in the same realm, which since Atsuko is an adventurer is unlikely unless ASI is overthrown by a rebellion, which is also HIGHLY unlikely. Or if Tom allows adventurers to migrate....unless...does he?