Insistant Family

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Revision as of 02:16, 4 March 2007 by StephenC (talk | contribs)
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The Currey family had fallen on hard times, Twice, The first was when the father of the family who had conquered legions with his own two hands and had made the family name glorius had died suddenly of susicpious circumstances,leaving behind his family to struggle to carry on his name to which they, to some extent, did. There were "The Greats" under the Currey family, who were all honoured and highly respected within their realms..But a very sudden and dramatic downfall with members dieing either through battle or disease at an alarming amount and also alarming was how closely timed these deaths occured. The few family members left that didn't die either became maimed for life or fell out of the society that they worked and faught for. But now the remainder of the once prosperious Currey family springs forth into the world with a new family name. Insistant.
