Republican/Mar,07/Republic Reporter

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The Republican

Free to all Edition: March
Editor: Beowulf Kronos
Those who read shall discover

Republic Reporter

Council Reform
March 1st
Another dramatic reform has taken place in the council today. Our newly elected Prime Minister, Retravic has retaken her throne and is ready to repair the damages that may or may not have been left by the former ruler Beowulf. Another new comer has joined the club and took a seat as Grand Justiciar, Eireka will now fill that position. There will also be a change in military tactics for Beowulf has moved his way to Minister of Defense.

Ben's Minister of Finances still remains untouched. Many familiar faces just in different spots, skeptics have it that this reform will be quite promising for Fwuvoghor.

Republic Retaliation
March 2nd
Wonderful news! Enweil has sent reinforcements and crushed the remaining Fronens and Avalonians in Villriil. This has given the Republic valuable time needed to gather her forces and bring the war on Avalon’s turf. After cleaning things up in Villrill Enweil advanced into Wilwau and has begun operation Republic Retaliation. The Republic will be moving in soon to aid in this operation, the war seems to be taking shape. It is hoped that with the mighty warriors of Enweil and Fwuvoghor this war will have an ending result in our favor.
March 3rd
Today Thalmarkin has joined Avalon and declared war! No action has been taken by the army of Thalmarkin yet, but assaults are believed to start soon. The Republic is ready to fight all who are against the values and practices we stand for. This does add to the complications of this war but no one believes it is enough for the Republic to withdrawal.
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