Republican/World News/February

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The Republican

Free to all Issue: February
Editor: Beowulf Kronos
Those who read shall discover

World News

Colossal War
Currently the largest war taking place can be traced all the way back to Riombara. The realms of Avalon, Enweil, Irombrozia, Kingdom of Alluran, Luz de Bia, Old Grehk, Republic of Fwuvoghor, and Riombara are all contestants in this colossal war. Much has changed since the days this war began but a winner is still no where in sight. Irombrozia, Luz de Bia, and Enweil have fought many epic battles against Riombara and Kingdom of Alluran. While a few new faces have just recently joined this warfare. The Republic of Fwuvoghor has kept her borders shut for many weeks and now the true reason was finally revealed to the world. The Republic declared war on Riombara and also picked up a few regions. This did not go to well with Fronen Avalon and Old Grehk who were already defeated miserably by Enweil. Avalon has now declared war on the Republic and skeptics have it Fronen is next to proceed. Back in the South Riombara has been holding her own quite well, resisting countless attacks from Luz de Bia and Irombrozia. Even taking the battle into Irombo a few times. But all these efforts are to no avail as Luz de Bia and Irombrozia consistently peruse Riombara's demise.
Waging War
Mesh with there own set of problems has now declared war own Vlaanderen. Mesh's good time allies Plergoth recently lost the city of Reeds to a succession carried out by the newly created realm Vlaanderen. Chancellor gave this as his reasons for war. "I cannot help but notice that you are waging war with our good friends Plergoth. I also cannot help but notice that you control some of Mesh's ancestoral lands. We shall be taking them by force." Words spoken from a realm who is not afraid to enforce them. There is no real direction of which side this war is leaning, but skeptics believe Mesh will come out ahead.