Republican/Republic Reporter\feb

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The Republican

Free to all Issue: February
Editor: Beowulf Kronos
Those who read shall discover

Republic Reporter

Government Reform
February 1st - 6th 1007

A very unlikely candidate has just been declared the new Prime Minister and Grand Justiciar of the Republic of Fwuvoghor. Beowulf Kronos surprisingly was voted into both of these positions. Many have mixed feelings of where he may lead the Republic. Most believe for the worse. On top of a new Ruler and Judge both the position of General and Banker were replaced by new comers to these various fields of government. Retravic Slayer was announced as the new General and Ben's Jamin the new Banker of Fwuvoghor. A complete reform took place in Fwuvoghor skeptics say many pros and cons will arise from this drastic change.


February 6th

The long time suspected traitor Dark Moon was finally tried and found guilty today. The damage he could and did cause the Republic is inestimable. But the Republic has at last purged there land of such treacherous types as Dark Moon. The exact details of Dark Moon’s banishment is classified, but what we can tell you is he reverted valuable information to the Republic’s enemies and if his full plan had time to be executed the infrastructure of Fwuvoghor we be greatly diminished. Here are the exact words of Beowulf “You have been charged for Treason, revealing vital information that could jeopardize this realm and others, and you have refused countless orders.Leave Traitor!

And that he did, he left to the lands of Riombara, one of the Republic’s enemies. We can not be sure if Dark Moon’s decision to join Riombara was out of spite to the Republic or if it was because he was one of their spies and now return to where his true loyalties lie.