De Neige Family

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A tiny, ancient lineage centered in the badlands of Upper Tell, which lie to the East of IceGate, the capital of the Barony of Makar in Atamara. The family aspires only to existence - and perhaps financial stability. Recently certain members of the de Neige family have been making names for themselves....


Status: Killed as a hero in battle at age 30

Originally a knight of the Barony, Lou rose to become the first and only hero of the de Neige family early on. After a relatively quiet career, he traveled to fight for Falasan as an elite member of the Black Rose Knights and as a minor member of the Templars Guild. He later sailed for Beluaterra to fight along side Lady Renee and Lady Baiko of Irombrozia. It was here that he died, fighting in the river valleys of Bolkenia to break a takeover being staged by the Kingdom of Alluran.


Status: Age 29, infiltrator at large

After a brief career as a miltary officer, Renard left the armies of Norland to become a career bureaucrat. His penchant for numbers and business quickly led him to success in the field and he easily rose to become one of Norland's greatest pencil-pushers. For some time, he served as the Count of Egret's Rock where he founded a successful spa business and side project that marketed a special brand of lotion designed to the specifications of the justicar of the time, Loreon. During this period, he primarily re-invested gold into individual troopleaders while making returns on family investments, and even managed to construct a small guildhouse for the Templars.

After attaining mastery of the bureaucratic arts, Renard found himself longing for adventure and so decided that a change in career was in order. He began his career as an infiltrator just as the war between Norland and Minas Ithil was breaking out and spent most of his time at the national academies. Following the death of his brother, Lou, the family elders sent Renard to the aid of Irombrozia - and the family vaults, which were quickly draining from the constant requests of Lou and Renee.


Status: Age 30, cavaliering general and aspiring swordsmistress


Status: Age 21, adventurer extrodinaire

Her exact connection to the family is ambigious at best - but the de Neige family has always been too practical for formalities and so as long as Adele brings honor to the name she has requisitioned they will allow her to keep it.


Status: Age 25, a knight just beginning his career

The details of the story are just beginning to unfold....