O'Deaghaidh Family/Story of Nobility

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                                     Story of Nobility

Deaghaidh had been in Atamara for 2 months, he found himself in Lanston, Abington. He worked the field as a farmer for a man whose name is lost in history. The man's farm was called "Goodings Farm." Deaghaidh loved his new home, it was tiny and it was a shed behind his boss’s home. He didn't care; he had food in his stomach and a roof over his head. He wasn't too involved in politics of the land because he was just a lowly peasant. During this time Abington was at war with the Vikings of Norland. Deaghaidh had no interest in becoming a soldier for the armies of Abington. He just wanted to live his life; he didn't want to harm anyone.

Deaghaidh was out on the road off to pick up farming supplies for his boss when a large man in a purple robe rode up on a horse. Deaghaidh and bowed his head in respect to this noble, the noble stopped. "Oi there young man. You need not bow to me, I’m only a man. My title gives me no right to treat you as if you were nothing." Deaghaidh raised his head cautiously. The Noble smiled and said "My name is Donall Ó Néill, Lord of Lanston. I was off trying to find my men some ale to bring back to the camp. I don't really know any good ale I don't drink, the wife forbids it. Could you come with me to help me pick out some ale?" The man made a gesture to get on the back of his horse. Deaghaidh smiled and said "Aye Sir!" He jumped on the back of the horse.

Donall and Deaghaidh arrived in the small town of Doolin and walked into the local pub. Donall threw some silver coins on the bar top. Deaghaidh recommended a brew called the "Galloglass Ale." The bartender walked into the back and grabbed a pack of 20 bottles and placed it on the bar. He went back and got another. Deaghaidh and Donall grabbed a pack and walked to the horse. Donall got on the horse and Deaghaidh handed him the packs. Donall placed them on his lap. He asked "Thank you young man, I never got your name?" Deaghaidh responded "Deaghaidh." Donall nodded "Deaghaidh, I’ll remember that." Donall reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag, he threw it to Deaghaidh and rode off. Deaghaidh opened the bag and poured the contents into his hand. It was 5 gold coins, his eye lit up and he ran straight into the pub.

A few days later Deaghaidh was back in the pub when a man walked in. He said "Did anyone hear the news?" The room was quiet. "Lord Donall Ó Néill was captured by Vikings and is being held prisoner on the ship called the Mora. They say he is going to executed by night fall. The ship is anchored off the coast of Lanston towards to west end of the region." Deaghaidh rose from his stool and walked out of the pub. He went next door to the blacksmith; he bought a Dirk for 3 gold coins. He began a walk to the west coast of Lanston.

Deaghaidh arrived later that night at the coast and saw the Mora anchored off the coast. A small Viking camp on the beach with hundreds of Viking walking around. Deaghaidh snuck to the water and began to swim quietly to the boat. One Viking stood guard on the deck. Deaghaidh climbed aboard and snuck behind the guard. One quick swipe of the dirk and the Guard was dead. The neck was slit open and Deaghaidh threw his body in the water. He began to walk down stairs to the lower decks, he could hear snoring. He made his way carefully to the bottom deck. Finally when he arrived at the bottom he found Donall in his cell still awake, one guard sat in the room. Once again with one quick swipe of the dirk, the guard was dead. "Deaghaidh?" "Aye me Lord. I've come to rescue you." Deaghaidh grabbed keys off the guard and unlocked the cell. Donall stepped out and he and Deaghaidh snuck out to the top deck. They both got in the water and swam to shore. From there they made their way to Donall's keep.

Donall's men ran to him and he waved them off. Inside he entered his chambers and Donall's Squire walked into the Throne room where Deaghaidh was and handed him some clean and dry clothing. The clothing was new and very eloquent. It actually had color to it; he never wore any real colors besides brown, black, white and grey. He put the cloths on and a little later Donall stepped out with a sword. "Deaghaigh! Come forward and kneel." Deaghaigh approached and kneeled. "For you brave rescue of your lord I dub thee Knight of Lanston." Donall stood tall and sat in his throne. Deaghaidh rose, he couldn't talk his throat hurt too much because of the urge to cry. "I'm also granting you land off the coast of Lanston. You'll be given 5 horses, a Squire and a unit of men to command." Deaghaidh began to cry. "Follow my Squire for tonight you get to enjoy the comfort of our guest chambers." Deaghaidh walked off with the Squire still sobbing quietly to himself. Donall sat in his throne scratching his chin. "That young man will bring great things to these lands with power and Nobility."

The next day, Deaghaidh rode to Goodings Farm, his boss came out. “Oi Deaghaigh? Where you been boyo?” Deaghaidh threw him a bag of gold. “This farm is now apart of my estate.” His boss’s eyes lit up at the site of all the gold. “Yes sir!” “I still need someone to run it, do you want the job?” His former boss looked up. “Yes sir!”