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This religion does not yet exist in-game. I (Geakwadde) am merely using this page to draft some ideas, which may eventually be implemented, but more likely will simply be discarded.


We believe in many gods, but we do not worship any. Rather, we see the gods as powerful entities from other worlds, who act solely out of self-interest. All are viewed with suspicion. While many can be placated or bargained with, it is our view that all are ultimately trying to secure power in and over our world.

Our ultimate goal is to cast the foreign gods from this world. The power and influence of foreign gods over our world can be reduced by converting their worshipers, razing their temples and subduing their priests. However, we believe the only way to completely protect our world from their influence is for one or more of us to become godly, hence the name: Ascentism.

Ascentists see foreign gods as the source of most strife, and seek to bring harmony to our world. We harbour no ill-will to followers or priests of other religions, we believe they have been manipulated and enslaved by the foreign gods, and we wish to free them, especially those who's values are close to our own. (Eg, the professed values of the Church_of_Humanity are quite close, despite their endorsement of the foreign gods, who they believe may be benevolent.)

Game notes

Tom has not endorsed, acknowledged, or likely even become aware of the following ideas. I'm just riffing. Some of what I suggest could be completely unpalatable to him. That's okay; just like in the real world, most religions must necessarily be wrong about most things.

If the Ascentist beliefs turn out to be true, it suggests some interesting new game mechanics. There could be new continents created which are completely unreachable by mundane means, existing on other worlds or other planes of existence. These other worlds could even be hosted on other sites by other administrators. (Probably the most unlikely of these ideas.) These other worlds would be largely independent, with only the gods and powerful priests able to exert influence between worlds. This would be analogous to inter-BBS games of the 80s and 90s, eg: