Maggiori Family/Arabella

From BattleMaster Wiki

Arabella Constantina Maggiori


Arabella, the youngest daughter of Clarissa and Roberto Maggiori, is the hell raiser of her generation. Even at the age of 26 she is known as a heroine amongst her peers in Old Rancagua in the East Continent. However, she gets bored easily, as you will find out if you read her journal....

Friday, February 2

An except from the journal of Arabella Maggiori...

Bored, bored, bored, bored. There is absolutely nothing to do in this cursed city! The barrels of beer dried up days ago, and there is no one in the taverns anyway. I have a room in this poky little house that smells of dead mice and rotten vegetables, and my men have started arguing amongst themselves because they are bored too! Why only this morning Georgio gave Edwardo a black eye for claiming he had lain with Georgio's sister. Methinks they could all do with bedding a little to ease the tension around here.
