Talk:Volcanic Hot Newsletter/January '07 issue/Page 2

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Revision as of 10:21, 31 January 2007 by Jezralhm (talk | contribs) (letter from the ed)
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A letter from the Editor

Gauihu Oink, seriously, I don't know what's your problem. Being in a Federation is fine with me. Being in a Federation with Goats is fine with me, seeing you're a pig. Oh wait, what was your family name again?

Forget it, I dont think I have to waste my breathe trying to explain to you why we're winning this war. Lets just hope your generals will have a chance, no matter how slight, which appears to be so in this case, well, I just hope your generals will have a chance to save your butts before they get burnt by the Volcano.

Seriously, what do you think your army is, some rearguard? You allow the RedSpan army and Carelia army to get slaughtered then you come riding in when our army is at, 30% of its full strength? And you call us cowards? After we travelled the continent? I doubt you guys can even reach Azzal without having to go back. Just so you know, your army isnt supposed to be the rearguard, I know you wished that your army will come in like some knight in shining armor, but this isnt the case, as far as I'm concerned.
